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THIS IS ME. I DID NOT TAKE THE PICTURE. PLEASE DON'T RATE (Added later). Thank you .... or rate Jeremy who took it if you wish!

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helloo marion.. !!! what i loved in ur pic is ur lovely sweet expressions... keep it up.. i'm a photographer in india and by profession i'm software engineer.. but i love photography like mad man.. i loved this pic of urs..lovely!! keep shooting.. uummmaaaa
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I really liked your comment left on another photo (www.photo.net/photodb/photo.tcl?photo_id=1719344), where you said "Funny that this fellow Yuri spends so much time searching for photos that he then designates as pornographic" which was in reply to a comment by Yuri Demianov: "Censorship How come they allow pornography on this site? I find this offensive.".

Better watch out, who could guess what he might say about this photo of yours!!!

I think you have a gorgeous smile and a kind face! You also have a very beautiful body, I can see why you are proud to show it to us!

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YOU are very pretty, the colors give a sixties look to the picture and it wasn't I'm sure a Tmax film. But again very nice natural and smiling picture
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Thank you Nicolas, I checked the wrong box. It's corected now. . I've lost some weight since then by the way. I've taken some interesting nude pictures in front of a mirror. I may post some soon.
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Marion, you can add a picture to your profile, if you wish, but if this isn't your work, then it doesn't belong in your portfolio.

Frankly, I think this more properly belongs on AmIHotOrAmINot.com/

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Marion, take it from me - if you're gonna post nude pictures *period*, you're going to catch a certain amount of shit in this site.

If you post nude pictures *of yourself*, you can expect to double that. It's simply the "personality" of the site. It's a shame, but there it is.

That being said, Jeff has a point - you didn't take this picture (I assume) so it doesn't properly belong in your portfolio. I don't think anyone's gonna sue you over it, but this is a place where people pay attention to detail. You should delete it and do some self-ports if it's important to you to have nude pictures of yourself here.

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Hi Marion. I agree with Amy. If you didn't take the photo then just delete it from your portfolio. You can still use it in your self-portrait section. Regards.
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Bah..Jeff is a curmudgeon who enjoys taking potshots at easy targets. Which may explain his solitary contribution of an ironic one hour parking. But this site is hardly in the toilet.


And far be it from me to discourage the fairer sex from indulging their urge towards revealing.


(and Jeff... ARE YOU INSANE?!?! Go back to picking on proud parents and leave the naked women alone...spoilsport)

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Nice pic as far as it shows of your obviously beautiful body (though not an interesting picture in any aesthetic/artistic sense) but I would have to agree with Jeff and Amy, it belongs in your profile shot, not in your folder for your work. Course, I don't mind looking at it wherever it is, for obvious reasons!
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I really must have done something wrong. I had undertstood that I posted this in the self portrait image section? I didn't want this rated.
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A self-portrait is a picture *you took of yourself*, using, say, a timer, or a remote control, or a corded shutter release.

You didn't take this picture, someone else did. (I'm guessing) Therefore, it is not a self-portrait.

It's a perfectly acceptable photo (in my opinion) for you to put up as your "picture of me" in your profile. But the portfolio section is for pictures *you have taken yourself.*

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I'll try to figure out how to move it. I obviously did not take this. No, I tried ... I can only move to another folder, so I put a caption above instead (though I just noticed that I had the good sense to mention it already in the first line). How come every one is giving so much importance to these silly points. Is there a prize at the end for how many you receive?
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What a nice body! You are so beautiful, Marion. Thank you for sharing. I'll be waiting your posting new SELF-portraits as promised. Hope, this time ORIGINAL ones, like Amy said taken by yourself.
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Hello Marion! I have also found it difficult to delete photos, but finally figured out how to do it. I made a new folder, moved the photo I wanted to delete into it, and then deleted the folder - this works! Please note - I am not suggesting that I think you should delete this photo (I'll leave that up to you!), but if you want to, then these suggestions should enable you to do it...

I too would love to see some self portraits from you! They need not be nude (but they can be): do whatever you are comfortable with... Let me know if you put any up!

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