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Bilbao Guggenheim Museum

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great subject!cool colors.

it's a pity for the lower left corner with that ugly light.but it's really a good shot!


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curious as to the person who gave me the ratings....for my red bull snail shoot.......i was amazed at the quality of your photography.....its rather brilliant!...... i aspire to shoot quality pictures like yours!
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Sorry but am I missing something here ? I have looked through the whole of Andrea L Andrews folder and there are a couple of so so photos and the rest below 5s and 4s and yet they are all rated as 6s and 7s. Especially the one with the shadow I would say is very below average . Something very strange is going on and I notice the same group of people giving each other high marks. I wonder if these people are real as I notice some don't even have photos downloaded. I personally have rated this photo as a 5/5 but have also rated some of the others in the folder and believe me even friends I have shown these fotos also agree that they do not merit 7s ! I think this needs to be looked into !!!!!!!!
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Would be a good shot if it were slightly brighter, sharper and had less grain in the sky.
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Dear John, my personal opinion is that your comment is somewhat out of place.

It's an evident fact that some ratings are higher than the average and some lower. May be also that some ratings are higher than you expected and I am not in trouble to recognize that some friends of mine (one or two) have rated my pics. However I am surprised you didn't notice that on the other hand some users are lowering down intentionally my and other ratings, like you are doing. Relating to this photo (Bilbao Guggenheim Museum), I suggest you to contact who commented the pic. Do the same with all other images and your question will get an answer. I assure you that I don't know anyone of them.

And compliments for your one pic.

You show a thorough knowledge of the photographic techniques and mastery in image composition.

Thanks for your comment. I'll take advantage of it.


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Mark, you are right but unfortunately you can get much control over the Coolpix 2000, since it works in full auto mode only.

Few times you have the light and the weather I had in Bilbao last september but I left my F5 at home. Damn it!

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I believe that John should go back to the drawing board and aspire to this kind of quality.
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Andrea, I like that photo as it is, I think as you that there are some viewers that are intensionaly rating lower than needed. I chacked some of them, and did not want to rate most of them at all.........Pnina Evental
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Just so you know Andrea I have contacted Photonet and they are looking into my allegations of rating abuse. I submitted many names which are clearly rating your photos high after receiving high ratings from you. Anyone that has the time to cross check will notice the pattern that forms. One cannot fail to notice photos with an average rating of 4.35 & 4.89 and when viewing the list of ratings amongst the names pops up ANDREA L ANDREWS with 7/7 or 7/6. Even if as you claim that you do not know these people and have never met them doesen't mean that you have not created a clique of members who just simply rate each others fotos highly, irrelevant of quality. I downloaded my one foto simply to ivestigate. I rated a couple of your fotos 6 and 5 and 5 and 5 which I believe they deserved but also rated others much lower and gave poor comments. You immediatly rated my foto a 2/2 contrary to your comments , your quote "And compliments for your one pic. You show a thorough knowledge of the photographic techniques and mastery in image composition". I also looked at other members fotos who seem CONNECTED to you and rated their fotos , some good some bad and was subsequently reported for ratings abuse. Even though I had rated a foto 2/2 where it was obvious the fotographer had rated one of your fotos 7/7 in return for a 7/7 and it could be seen that others had also rated the same foto 2/3s and 3/3s . Anyone who cares to check this out will also notice some members who have only rated 12 fotos and suprise suprise they all belong to you. looking deeper at the fotos they have downloaded and again suprise suprise they are all highly rated by ANDREA L ANDREWS ! I have received e-mails from members who agree with me that all this does seem very suspicious. I can only guess that the reason they don't actually say anything directly in the comments is because they are afraid of getting bad marks for their fotos , which has happened. As I said I have been assured this will be looked into but nothing has transpired yet. I wonder if you being a photonet patron has anything to do with it.


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May be you don't know it but the average is the result you get when add two or more numbers together and divide the total by the number of numbers you added together.

As I already explained it to you, some ratings are higher than the average and some lower.

Rating a picture is not mathematical sciences.

Ratings are subjective, not objective.

I'm grieving because once more your short-sighted eyes see only what you want to see.

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I am quoting below Jason Crittenden's comment on "Selfportrait". It's self explanatory and any further comment on the matter by your side is inappropriate if not insulting.


Andrea, don't listen to this guy. His only photo on photo.net is terrible and should be rated a 2/2 if not a 1/1. John, IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T READ THE 'FAQ' on photo.net, it asks "how do I get someone to rate my photo?" and answers "the best way to have someone rate your photos is to rate one of theirs." Often this would generate a critique or rating from you to them. Come on John, are you kidding me? Andrea rated some of my photo's well, I thought that was really cool of her. She didn't rate all of mine, so I assume she saw a couple she liked, rated them well, and left the one's maybe she didn't like alone. I followed the link to her photos, and liked 1-2 myself, and rated them well (because they deserved it). That's the way it works guy. And I didn't touch the one's I didn't care for because why should I? I only rate bad when a) it deserves it and b) someone put it up in the critique forum and therefore is asking for it. They want you to rate, and if it's trash and they put it out there, then you rate it as such. I'm not going to trash someone like Andrea. She's not asking for it. I have had some of my photo's rated bad, and I of course look at who rated it, checked out their photos, and rate them accordingly. It's totally a guide of who can talk and who can't. If some jerk that takes crappy under/overexposed photos rates something of mine bad, I'd of course rate one of their's the same (since I'd be viewing their work anyway, and it is bad). But sometimes someone rates something of mine bad, and I view their work, and their work is amazing, and I rate them as such - and I know, THE PHOTO OF MINE THAT THEY RATED BAD IS BAD, BECAUSE THIER WORK SPEAKS FOR ITSELF AND THE ARTIST, AND THEY OBVIOUSLY KNOW WHAT GOOD WORK IT. Judging from your wonderful 1 photo, you don't know anything about art, or photography - Andrea on the other hand, appears to know something. Report me. Report Andrea. No one care about you're whinning. At least I certainly do not...and go ahead John, rate ALL OF MY PHOTO'S 1/1. I use this site strictly to get an understanding of my work, to advance my knowledge of the art, and to receive valuable feedback - you, my friend, your opinion means nothing - and you can take that to the bank!

-- Jason Crittenden



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Fantastic shot. I really love the lighting, it sets the appropriate mood for this building. Usually modern archeticture (horrible spelling there!) is portrayed in a bright light or mood, so that makes this picture very special. Like someone else said earlier, the light in the lower left hand corner throws it off a bit, but otherwise fantastic picure.
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Maybe Mr. Smith should re-assess his idea of what makes a good photo. I like a lot of these photos and I've never laid eyes (or anything else) on Andrea. I think she's just a good photographer.
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I stumbled across you and your portfolio. I haven't seen your work before and therefore surprised at the unwarranted comments below. I find your work to be of a consistently high standard and well shot and interesting. Regards.
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Dear Andrea,


Firstly thank you very much for visiting my humble folders. I love your photo's very much especially the dawn/night shoots, very beautiful.



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Okay. It is for me obvious that you are talented. Some of your shots are really good. But, let me tell you what I think about your means to be watched. Sorry about that but when I reveive as many other people always the same marks 6 and 6... I'm wondering. Are you judging my work (really) or do you wish that I appreciate the compliment and that I rate yours with a more kind eye... I made a mistake while rating you. without any doubt, your work is good to my mind but don't rate the others to obtain good marks. I 'm sure you quite didn't look at my pictures : no comments, just 6 and 6.... Sorry but I don't appreciate. I'm here to improve myself and to have real opinions.
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