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A portrait of my friend Sanna.


Please note that the black sky is the effect of putting a ploarizing and a red-orange filter on the lense and then copying the photo on paper with hard contrast. There is absolutely no photoshop involved in the making of this photo.

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This is very nice, I like that her eyes are closed...there is a vast amount of space but she is introspective...
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Powerful portrait. The closed eyes are unusual, but give the feel she is absorbing the chill beauty of the empty landscape.
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Guest Guest


Very dramatic and has a sense dynamics of the emotional non-verbal communication of the girl's face with the feel of the clouds. Its as though the texture of the clouds are carassing the girls face... Well done. Just, maybe, would it be different if she wasn't wearing such a dark black?
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Dear Carlos, I do not alter my photos in photoshop. I think that you should make beautiful photos in the darkr room, not in photoshop.
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This picture looks exactly like the image of a dream... I love it... there's something really strange and unusual about it. Good Work!
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Carlos, this needs to be run through photoshop like you need another hole in your head. This is an outstanding photo, superb composition and excellent contrast. Great shot!
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Lina, I love the contrast and the deep, dark shadows. The only thing I wish is that the sky on the right is as dark as the sky in the center. I guess that is the work of the polarizer. Excellent grab.
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I love this image (possibly a little dark though), except (ah, the dreaded exception)... and this may be a ridiculous thing to notice, but bra straps are not supposed top be showing. On a print I think it would be glaring.
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great picture. it is amazing how much depth you created on that one! and i like your attitude towards photoshop! :)
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Guest Guest


Just an excellent piece of art! The dramatic sky and model's pose are very good. Impressive and unreal moment...
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Was your friend cut and pasted on to the landscape? There's a disparity in the lighting that makes me think so. The landscape is very brooding and atmospheric but the figure almost seems an intrusion as it doesn't look natural.
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NO, I haven't cut and pasted her into the background. I'm not in the habit of pasting my photos together. I really don't know why the lighting looks like it does. But I know that when I took the photo, she was standing in front of the field.
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it is arguable that this photo could be considered "manipulated" if during the printing stage various techniques were used that render it an inaccurate version of what the film captured at the time of exposure. using filters on the lens and other techniques during exposure are still considered okay under the definition of "unmanipulated." i can't agree with the so-called "purists" who think that photoshop=manipulated and chemical=unmanipulated. simply put, it's "unmanipulated" if the viewer is seeing an accurate representation of what the camera recorded.

the user who commented that the subject seemed "pasted in" also should probably calibrate their monitor. i don't see any indication of that at all.

all arguments aside, i think it's a beautiful photo aesthetically, and for the mood it creates. i want to know what's going on the mind of the woman, standing there with her eyes closed.

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