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First of all i would like to say that this is not a painting as most of my seniors declaired that. this is one of my serious efferts of my life.i would proudly say over hare it is from very first assignment of my life.I've just discovered the great taste of being a nature lover in my life.no doubt there are so many faults in the photo.and i should treat them well.As well as sun is concerened i ,m sorry if it does,nt look "REAL".and the black line in the left also but that is hundred percent original.In the end the critiques and comments are always welcome good and bad ratings ( with comment) are also appreciated , because i will lead my to better way out.

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I am sure that zaheer malik is now laughing us with his ass, how do you see this as a photo, sure it is a painting, look at man's face at left side and do not you see the sun, this is an impossible photo, congs. to artist who painted this image...
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The shadows and highlights don't jive with the position of the sun. Take a look at the two men standing on extreme left of the frame, and the highlighted shoulder of the second man from the left. If this is a painting, it's a darn good one.
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it is a photo, but strong computer work. i bet the origional picture is very very ordinary. untill you are not a hi tech pro, this shot is impossible. so very ordinary picture, manipulated in photo editing programm, which i personally call cheating.
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I don't think it's cheating to rework a photo in PhotoShop or whatever unless the photographer claims otherwise.
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Ooooohh... Such a lucky opportunity to make such an amazing shoot.

Just wonder about the sun : is it a add on ? I wil try to take it off and put smoke in the sky...

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I doubt this is a painting, although the image has obviously been manipulated at least as far as the composite Sun is concerned. The lens quoted couldn't produce a sun that size unless we are looking at an extreme crop, and given the lighting on the two horses on the right, and seeing the other shot in this folder, the sun's credibility bites the dust. The tenuous spear on the left is hard to explain since the guy in front certainly doesn't appear to be holding it. Maybe it's just flown from the hand of the rider of the left horse, who appears to have lost his mount. I doubt a painter would include such a 'messy' element to the composition, and if the spear really is flying mid-air it just adds interest to a great action shot which the Camera and film quoted would have been capable of capturing under these conditions (with a good measure of skill from the photographer...)
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I doubt it's painting or a composite. I suspect both images in the folder are severe crops because the lens can't produce a sun this big, as Trevor notes, and because the uploaded images are very small. Even at this size, the lack of detail is obvious, but it is caused by the dust as much as the cropping and scanning.


The issue this raises for me is not truth and manipulation, but the inability to print this at any size larger than, say 4X6 without obvious digital or grain distractions. How should we indicate this reduced value in the real world in our rate?

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In my opinion it is a painting, like it was said before the shadows do not make sense if you look at the sun.

However, i would love to be proven wrong by the posting of an original unedited shot.


even if it was a photograph highly edited in Photoshop, i would still take my hat off to you, but the silence of Mr. Malik tells me that i am right , and that this is infact a painting.


If this were your shot, wouldn't you be quick to defend it?


nice painting. no rating till we get a respose.

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Was this image vetted by the CIA?


I'm inclined to go with the "enlargement of a small part of the frame" theory for no other reason than the size of the sun is troublesome. If you look at the other image the maker posted of the same game, the sun appears to be of a more reasonable size. A nice image nonetheless.

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As an illustration, this is WONDERFUL! NC Wyeth would have been proud to have done this. Zaheer the King should admit it and take credit for the beautiful job he has done. This would sell hundreds of copies if it were a book cover or a poster.


I would also like to see an unretouched scan of the neg.

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I read very carefully what Jason wrote, and it makes a lot of sense, common sense. The image bothers me in the same way as Jason so explicitly explained, and I think he is correct. I thus revised my rating to reflect a "composit" of elements together in forming an image, rather then an out right simple photograph, as the photographer so stated. The rating should be on the Photoshop technique, but not as a pure image captured by a camera. My 85mm lens would never give me a sun this size, so that's the first give-away. It should be so obvious...
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OK, we'll wait if Zaheer upload original negative, because, as it was noted above, it would be the only way to say "photo" or not. If it's a real photoimage, there is nothing to keep in secret.


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The picture is obviously artificial, but does it matter?

From my point of view the composition makes little sense in space, re the riders and perspective. The perspective of the two central riders does not correlate correctly for instance.

If it were an original painting I would have expected someone with that level of skill to compose it better. What there is seems a schoolboy hoax.

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Guest Guest


Well, the lack of response from the creator has left me in doubt no longer about its origins. Therefore I will rate it accordingly, subject to later revision if he pops out of the weeds to convince me otherwise.
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Zaheer has in fact already shown up. He said this in his tech notes:

"First of all i would like to say that this is not a painting as most of my seniors declaired that. this is one of my serious efferts of my life.i would proudly say over hare it is from very first assignment of my life.I've just discovered the great taste of being a nature lover in my life.no doubt there are so many faults in the photo.and i should treat them well.As well as sun is concerened i ,m sorry if it does,nt look "REAL".and the black line in the left also but that is hundred percent original.In the end the critiques and comments are always welcome good and bad ratings ( with comment) are also appreciated , because i will lead my to better way out."

So it's NOT a painting. Unfortunately whether this is a tight crop from a much larger neg is not mentioned. Same goes for the extent of computer manipulation. We are simply informed that Zaheer is sorry if the sun "doesn't look real" (is that a confession to low standard PS work or a "too bad", suggesting things in the real world sometimes just don't seem right?). Or are we being told that only the line to the left is "100% original"? Plainly we've a need to overcome a language problem here but since we're asked to comment, I for one have a desire for greater clarification so as to fully understand how the picture as posted got to look the way it does.

My money's on no crop (given the 2:3 aspect ratio) with sun slapped in later among a host of other manipulative effects. My advice is to take the sun out.

Lastly, Roger I'm amazed. I'm seriously thinking you weren't joking.

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