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My only suggestion is to keep taking them.  The conditions of the clouds will change from day to day, and you can't control that.  The one thing under your control is what you choose for the foreground, and that's where you need to keep experimenting as to what works best for you.  Here, I might have considered panning the camera to the right to eliminate that "blank" space on the left, to de-center the main peak, and to more equally divide the photo between a blue mountain and a black one, with the gap revealing the distant mountains and some great sky.

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Beautiful photograph! And I completely agree with the sound advice that Stephen has provided you.  Lovely work, and keep up the good work.  Cheers!  Chris

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I want to add that I really like how you did the sky.  You have a "cap" of a layer of clouds at the very top that does a great job of forming a border that keeps the viewer's eyes and attention on the rest of the sky and the mountains.  If this layer had been absent, my eyes would have had a tendency to float up and out of the frame.  In addition, the rest of the sky you found is really quite nice -- great colors and soft forms.

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