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Thanks in advance for your thoughts. I'm trying to get this image to

work and am somehow getting stuck with it...I don't know if the BW

conversion is working quite right, don't know if the contrast is quite

right, one minute I feel it's too flat then too contrasty. It looks

better full size, when it compresses the toning shifts color a bit and

I'm not quite sure how to fix that.

Anyway, thanks for any advice and help!

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That's a tough one.  The scene is relatively limited in scope, and we usually don't associate that with the Plains.  Within that limited scope, there is a bit of topographical variation, but not enough to really cause shadows, especially the way the cuts break.  For me, there just isn't enough to grab my attention.  If there is color here, I'd consider adding that back, and given the choice, I'd probably be adding contrast rather than reducing it.  I'm wishing I had another frame to the left to stitch onto this.

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Hi Stephen,

Thank you for your observations.  I definitely agree that the scope is limited, I find that if I go too wide out there it flattens everything out too much. But perhaps next time I can try for some sort of panorama.    I was sort of trying to achieve an abstract view, in a sense, to make it about the contours more than the landscape itself, which is also why I went with B&W.  But I essentially feel as you do, it's not particularly eye-catching.

Thanks again for your comments!

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