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The enchanted forest #8


Absolutely no PS tricks here. Two slides were shot at the same spot, one in focus, the other not, and mounted in the same frame (this technique is often called a slide sandwich). The in focus shot was overexposed by two stops, the out of focus one, by one stop. Scanned from the original slide with Minolta Dimage Dual Scan III. Tripod + cable release. Uncropped.

Thanks to all the great folks at the Vertelance medieval gathering who enthousistically accepted to pose for this series. I really had a great week end!


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How do you like the technique? The picture is rather dark, which fits

the mood; the larger version shows more detail. Read the technical

notes for more explanation. Also make sure to see the other shots in

the same folder. What I'm basically trying to do is to create a long

series of pictures with a fairy tale mood. The mystery is more

important than the faces in my concept.

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It's very well done, not my taste I'm sorry to say, but the effect is good and shooting through the branches works well.

I don't want to get into the photoshop vs photograph thing (which seems to have replaced 'is it cheating to use filters') but its good to be reminded that one can produce some great effects with an old camera, some slide film and a sharp brain.

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I have read the technique used for this and the idea behind what you were attempting.


I am not sure that I would label this image as a fairy tale feel. When I think of fairy tales, I think of simple hand drawn images that rehash the printed word.


This image is not simple.


It is very dynamic and colorful. The child is certainly the center of attention and expresses quite a bit of joy. This contrasts with the overall dark feeling of the forest in front and the brightness of the forest behind. There are numerous inferences that can be drawn from that dynamic, and I will leave those to each individual to play for themselves.


On a techical note, I think some experimentation with cropping might be in order. You frame the mother and child well, but it feels excessive. I also regret the darkness of the mother's dress. Your image is so colorful and I can tell her dress is also. I wish I could enjoy it more. Although, the darkness may be part of the story you are telling.


None the less, I like this dreamy world you have created. It feels fresh and lively.

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This is really like picture cought from bible... Very nicely done. Congrats to the whole folder.. I like the technique very much!
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