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diving session ( http://fabiangrunwald.blogspot.com )


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To Mark:

You know, I guess you're right. This picture really caught my eye while scrolling through the POW's. I loved the colour and movement etc. However, I read you're comment and took longer to look at the picture (something I never do, even with my favourite piece of art) and I think you're right. I get the feeling of fakeness. Even if it wasn't all done in photoshop, to me it doesn't feel real or natural. A tomato is part of mother nature and it should feel more natural to me than arty.

Great colours though. I still stand by that ;o)

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you two surely dont have to believe me! but i only enhanced contrast and saturation with ps! also some cropping was done :-)

thats all!

best regards, fabian

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Well then I take back everything I said. Its a gorgeous picture and now I'm tempted to have a play at something similar.

Well done Fabian. Keep on snapping.

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I like this shot. Saw a shot like this done with a geen pepper - like this one better.I won't ask you how you did it, the magic just shouldn't be revealed.
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Again I must say excellent photo, and this time I base my opinion not on the image, but the emotion it has provoked.
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I refused to believe that you only tinkered with the contrast and saturation on this photgraph. Even if you actually DID take this picture, it can only have been worked over in photoshop to the point of looking fake. The tomato is far too flat (as in it has no dimension), the lighting on it doesn't match that of the rest of its surroundings, the stem and leaves of the tomato are too green. In addition I do not believe it was a tomato that was dropped into this water because any one who has ever dropped anything into water would know that the physics of the way the water is moved in this photo are just not correct. If you actually DID photograph this picture, then I would have to assume you took out any of the additional water bubbles or indications of motion or things that would lead me to believe that I am seeing, from the side, a perfectly red tomato in a perfectly blue swimming pool. Any talented digital artist could fabricate this "photograph". That is the extent of compliment you will get from me.
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i dont know waht to say on your comment! i think you'll never ever believe me, that i've only enhanced saturation and contrast and did some cropping on this photo. so what should i do???

i think i will leave you with your thoughts alone. maybe you'll get it some day. maybe you'll try such a shot on your own and realize that it could look like this one. i've done many of such photos and all had looked different. also the motion never look like you the way you really want! and if you want more bubbles in the motion try out a whirlpool ;-)

best regards, fabian

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"Wow." Makes me want to run to the sink and throw an Tomato in right now! lol. Seriously, this is a wonderful photograph of such a simple object, that's what I like about it. You took a normal, everyday thing and looked at it differently (as a friend of mine would say). Nice sharp contrast and appealing usage of color.
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great book with simalar picture on the cover only the

tomato is a camera. fun to do. you can use an aquarium bathtub with afforfable housing. everybody have fun.

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If the entirety of the photo was not constructed in photoshop, then how do you explain the excessive pixelation on the tomato (especially around the area of the stem and leaves) but none in the water? When viewed either larger or smaller, it can clearly be seen that the image quality of the water and it's reflections is far more refined and clean than the less smooth tomato.


Also, in the shadow of the tomato it is not as clean. It looks like an automatic shadow effect from a photoshop program, and not even a very good one. It doesn't blend evenly with the reflections and shadows of the water's ripples.

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May be my comment is not so important but i think that this photo is AMAZING or even amazing is not the word which describe the pic.

Well DONE!

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It's incredible how you achieve this exact moment. However, I find the color of the tomato somewhat artificial. Compared to the original photo, I see a great improvement in the water color and the clarity of the green and the red. Yet, the red does not look natural. Personally, I feel that the color is too strong. And when I see this water color, I think of a swimming pool. I am not sure what your intent was; it triggers my curiosity of your purpose...
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