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Crop and tone in PS.

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Excellent composition and use of space. It almost looks like a painted with light image, but I somehow think it is something else. I'd love to know how you lit this, as this is one of those pieces of art that I find too little of here on the net. Absolutely beautiful.......If you are inclined to teach I am here. jay@jaydixon.com
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Beautiful image. I love the way she seems to both be coming out of the shadows and hiding back into them, how she looks both midly frightened but curious about the light, how her body language is not clear-cut and makes us wonder, and the great work you did with the illumination.


As Jay mentions, do let me know if you're willing to take on pupils.

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Beautiful again.. The impression of movement is interesting. Model's pose is great, I can see the 50's there.. I like the way she fades into background. I agree with Anna, this is one of the best pieces of your work here!
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Yes . I needed someone to tell me what it actually reminds me of ...That seems to be a pose seen before..somwhere,,somewhen...wish I could see other -original shot.
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I personally like this image , but it was not fullfiling my expectatios . It is interesting to hear that you like it . I was not sure if it as good so I should share it. Still have a fealing that somthing is missing and there is need to fill some space. On the other hand I like the emptines. Regards PK.
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Don't know why she is looking aside here hand, since she is trying to cover here eyes. The negative is not ruined on the real Shildt way. I nice try, but I prefer the real Emile.
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I guess there is so many diffrences pointed by you because this photo never was meant to be compared to Emils work. The simularities are there , and can see why you do it . However nither pose or technic is the same. "Don't know why she is looking aside here hand, since she is trying to cover here eyes" to me it rather looks as she is tring ot blok something then cover her eyes meantime she mantains a visual conatct with a virtual somthing. "The negative is not ruined on the real Shildt way" I dont know what Shildt way is , but my just started to exest, that is a first ever scrached media I have done, what more it is rather PS simulation then real thing.Regards PK.
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Hi Piotr, Look at Emile Schildt's folder, and you will find pictures very similar. Emile use sandpaper to 'ruine' (read prepare)his negatives to get this kind of effect. IMO your picture doesn't have enough authenticity to give me the feeling I like when looking at a Emile Schuildt picture. But it is not my intention want to see another hand in your work. About the hand position, yes your explenation is fully possible, only I was thinking she was blocking on a bright light, and when this would be the case, the light direction on the model is incorrect.

Piotr, I don't want to minimalize your work, it is made with great effort, I just try to give a constructive comment. Kind regards

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I fully apriciate your input. Your opinion feels constractive and is based on the way how the pictures may read. I'd like to thank you and hope you will pop in to my folder to leave more of this so much needed observations. Regards PK.
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Piotr: "Still have a fealing that somthing is missing and there is need to fill some space." - I appreciate your point of view but in my opinion this photo doesn't need anything more.. Now the model's beautiful expression is so strong that an extra detail could reduce it's power. However, thanks for sharing this! If you some day decide to take a new version of this idea, I'll be glad to see it!


And about the negative ruining.. I can't see any reason to compare this to Emil's work. Yes, the photo has some similarities in the atmosphere but I think you have done the 'manipulation' well for this subject and that's enough for me...

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I am glad you can justify use of my own technic and see it working without comparing to much superior work of Emil. Still , I think there is a lot to be improved in some areas ...but that is why I have to work more. Regards pK.
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