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© © 2012 John Crosley/Crosley Trust, All Rights Reserved, No reproduction or other use without express prior written consent of copyright holer



Copyright: © 2012 John Crosley/Crosley Trust, All Rights Reserved, No Reproduction or Other Use Without Express Prior Written Permission From Copyright Holder;Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows;


© © 2012 John Crosley/Crosley Trust, All Rights Reserved, No reproduction or other use without express prior written consent of copyright holer

From the category:

Nude and Erotic

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Long ago, I posted a very interesting photo but for the life of me

could not think of a caption so I called it 'puzzling'. Since then

that caption has been replaced. I invite your contribution on a new

caption for this photo which has defied my usual ease in captioning.

Your ratings, critiques, and observations are invited and most

welcome. If you rate harshly, very critically, or wish to make a

remark, please submit a helpful and constructive comment, including

maybe any personal feelings this photo evokes in you. Please share

your photographic knowledge to help improve my photography. Thanks!

Enjoy or at least take a moment to consider how this photo affects

you. john

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I hope it is seen that my consistency is my inconstancy and that I do not continually pander to viewers.


I post what I see that I think is interesting and makes a worthy photo; not always ones you want to hang on your wall when your mother in law comes around during the holidays, but photos sometimes that cause you to think, as well as others posted because of other reasons.


This photo -- during the time I've had it in my 'to post' inventory -- every time I have viewed it, has caused me to stop and ponder.   Has it affected you, positively, negatively or otherwise?


Do you have a 'reaction' to it, even if you can't spell it out or articulate it?



John (Crosley)

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This is indeed a strange one, and for my money a haunting one.


I took this, and ever since when I've seen naked and/sometime mutilated mannequins I've made a point to take their photos. You'd be surprised how many there are, but this one is special because of the symmetry of the collapsed center breast/nipple area.


It's also been interesting to watch the rates, as they have fluctuated from mid 5s (yours is posted  showing ratings in mid 5s) to the high 3s.  Later ratings viewable to me show high3's,  as it appears some (or soeone) has taken  EXTREME dislike to this image by posting 1s or 2s rating this image.  Maybe  Phorto.net software will filter such low ratings out?


I take your praise as very high regard and it excites me that posting an image like this gets such a positive notice because this is undeniably NOT IN THE MAINSTREAM OF IMAGES ANYWHERE on this service and is more of the sort of image one might find in a gallery or even in the collection of a misogynist than on Photo.net.


However, for any claim to misogyny made against me, I invite you to view the photo of Ella II, posted two photos preceding this, showing perhaps a world class pair of breasts and then view the crop by Meir Samel under comments below to see an even better photo.


Meir did a world class job of cropping for which I have profusely thanked him -- he made my work and thus me, look much more skillful and who can object to that?

In the end, it was the near symmetry/especially the three-pointed star/triangle of the smashed in ends that pulled me in and hooked me.


And I asked myself 'why?', 'how?' and for what reason other than an interesting accident, if any?


Points to ponder (no pun intended).





John (Crosley)

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For those too young, Gernreich stood the fashion world on its ear when he proposed a one-piece bathing suit which did NOT cover the breasts but left them bare.

It was considered most risque long ago and earned him a place in history, not just history of fashion but cultural/sociolocial history. 


That predated the porn on film revolution of the late 60s and 70s -- the so-called classic porn period -- and almost every other 'period' in female bosom display except the '50s bikini which is Gernreich's topless bathing suit's only noteworthy predecessor.


The 'monokini' suit had straps over each shoulder.  It did not have a separate bottom but a brief connected to the shoulders by a pair of over the shoulder straps that really did not hold up anything since there were no breasts to support/they were not touched by the swimming suit, and intentionally so.


Gernreich, a homosexual activist, also 'invented the 'pubikini' the transparent vinyl of which showed off pubic hair of the wearer, then he is credited for inventing the thong.


What would Gernreich have done with this mannequin?


He seemed to have an innovative or inventive answer for everything, but I wonder if this would have bested him.



John (Crosley)

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That's a very interesting observation. 


I wonder if you feel that because you're a woman, it's personal to you just as an individual, or if some men feel the same way too?


Good comment.  Thanks.



John (Crosley)

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John, my immediate thought on seeing this was: "Aging sucks" (even for mannequins, apparently). As usual, another great catch.



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Silicone Recalled.

Malpractice Lawsuit.


Breast Reduction.

Augmentation Needed.


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Your response is almost as cryptic in its gratitude as the photo, but it is accepted with gratitude.



John (Crosley)

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It is interesting to see the reactions to this capture, which is as much the reason for its posting -- as food for thought.


Yes, aging does suck, but think of the wisdom this mannequin may have ;~))


I guess society does not always value wisdom over beauty as much in modern culture, though.




John (Crosley)

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This Aussie swim coach was not known to me as being foul-mouthed, and he was considered pretty good, and very competitive.  The swim program I was involved in was associated with the schools of Eugene, Oregon, and he was  with the schools through association with the nearby University of Oregon, Eugene.


Later, a sister joined a youth (non-school-based) swimming program with this man as a coach and won lots of trophies and medals.  I don't know if she was or was not an outstanding swimmer as we were not close and I never saw her swim competitively.


But he used a phrase to her and her swim team mates that has stuck in my mind, repeated by her used when he was angry at his team's girls' performance:


'I'll beat your boobs till your nose bleeds buttermilk'


At that time it was well before the Equal Rights Amendment, and such talk was considered less alarming to most than it would be seen today, though when I heard it I was both shocked and alarmed and made my sister repeat his epithet several times:


"I'll beat your boobs till your nose bleeds buttermilk,' he would shout in all too colorful language in anger, I understood from her.




This photo reminded me of that remark.


As part of her swim team participation she actually made a team trip from Oregon to Australia and stayed with a family there.  Significantly, the host mother wanted to show how modern and  'up to date' she was by serving those newfangled  'instant rolls' from the refrigerator section of the grocery store, it was reported, so she heated her oven hot and popped in the sealed tube of rolls in without opening the dough tube and separating the dough.


Apparently she was surprised that the whole thing exploded inside her oven. 


What a mess it must have been!


Things were different then.   Australia then was just catching up to the more modern world.  This newly 'modern woman' not only had an oven full of exploded dough parts., but also some considerable 'egg on her face' in front of her youthful guests.


Nowadays, OZ has caught up, is a wonderful place, and in many ways is a world leader.



John (Crosley)

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Oh, now I get it.


Sorry for being dense.


Sometimes brevity can be an enemy of communications.


Or better put, I think you were being more than a little cryptic; but that's behind us now.


Thanks for explaining.


I think others may not have 'gotten it'.



John (Crosley)

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Anyone who has been a scuba diver might recognize this as the way water might crush under the pressure of depth.


Or perhaps those who have used one of those negative pressure dehydrators, the kind that suck air out to compress things to make them compact into a small space for storage, could consider this is what might happen if such a vacuum attachment were applied to the inside of this mannequin and the device turned on.


Just exploring possibilities . . . .




John (Crosley)



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