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Reflecting While On The Run!


Hand held grab shot. Canon A540 on Aperture Priority, 1\160 sec @ f5.6. -1\3 exposure compensation. 23.2mm (140mm FF equiv) Auto ISO. Converted to B&W in PhotoShop using 'Channel Mixer'.Best, LM.

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I like it, Len. The fellow on the street looks fitter than his twin in the glass and oddly look like two different people. 

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Your comments and those of others propel this site for me.  Thanks for your thoughts.  From across the street this guy looked like he was labouring.  The look on his face gave me the impression that he was having anything but fun.  Not the time for any panhandler to try to hit him up for a buck.  Gotta admire his determination though.  Beats mine!  Especially since the temp was in the high 80's.  Had to sit down to a cool drink after watching him. :-)  Best, LM.

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I ran for 18 years which is why I need both knees replaced and live on diacerin and ibuprofen.  I'd never do it again but I miss it. When I ran my feet seemed to not touch the ground; I was flying; I felt I could run forever.  He does not seem to be enjoying so much as I did.

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No free lunches, eh?  A price to be paid for everything.  I don't run, and walk only reluctantly, and then only if there is a sit-down place with coffee at the half way point.  Or if there's an opportunity to exercise my camera.  (my  wife points that fact out to me all too frequently) I'll probably pay a price for that lifestyle too.  Knees starting to give me trouble already. To exercise because you HAVE to must be the hardest chore of all.  Thanks for your thoughts.  Best, LM.

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Hi Len, I often see people out running with that 'I really don't want to be doing this' look and always admire their determination. Maybe this guy is training for the next Olympics! Good on him.

Best regards


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Yes, not too many joggers with smiles on their faces.  I too admire their determination but at near 90 deg. F I think they are heart attacks looking for a place to happen.  :-(   Olympics?  Perhaps the Masters Olympics.  At least he's not a couch potato, though maybe a reformed one.  Good to have your views.  Best, LM.

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I can't help but smile when I view this.  I did run for some years, and it was interesting to note the behaviour of people that did like wise, for instance if a male runner approached a group of females, he suddenly took on a new lease of life, only to sag noticeably when out of sight.  He's a brave man this chap though and 10/10 for his courage and determination..........there has to be a better way surely!   Excellent obsevation Len, I think we all recognise a little bit of ourselves here!

Best Regards



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Thanks for expressing your thoughts on this one.  As for seeing a bit of oneself, it has been said by deeper photographers than I that 'the camera looks both ways'.  So I guess it must be true.  :-)  Best,  LM.

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I hope he had a medical check recently. The bicycles and riders complete the image and the vertical lines provide structure.    I walk briskly on a regular basis and jogging (girls or no girls) is not on the menu.

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Thanks for including this shot in your day's ponderings.  Perhaps the reflected cyclists are part of his support team.  At least one should have a cell phone for the possible 911 call.   You are a better man than I with your regular brisk walks.  I'm more of an ambler, & insist on a sit down coffee at the half-way point.  :-)  Best, LM.

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Ahhh, it's images like this that keep me on the elliptical machine, in front of the TV and under the air conditioning ;-).  Hey, if I'm gonna hurt I want to be comfortable at the same time!  A fun shot but a seriously good capture... Mike

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Can't be done better! The bars, the reflection, the exhausted jogger...it's all there, all that it takes for great classic life photo!


Best regards Len!



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Back again...  The superb irony (and absolutely no disrespect to this guy) in this shot is his T-shirt logo.... "Hard Rock"... LOL... Mike


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Well, I'm with you on the TV and air conditioning but we part company on the elliptical.  I'd rather photograph exertion than perform it.  Thanks for the validation on this one.  By simply walking down the street all kinds of photo opportunities present themselves.  Just gotta be looking for them.  Best, LM.

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Good to have your input.  Sometimes the photo gods smile and all the elements come together.  Luck is good!  Best, LM.

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You must have great vision and\or some familiarity with the logo on his T shirt.  I was going to insert 'Hard Rock' somewhere in the title to this one but I thought for most viewers the humour would be lost due to the somewhat unclear logo.  He must have been a bit of a 'Hard Rock' to have been jogging in 90F temperatures. Thanks again.  Best, LM.

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Thanks for your visit and your observation.  Sometimes the elements just fall into place for us.  Some luck is good!  Best, LM.

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