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Canon A540 on 'Aperture Priority' mode. Hand held, 1`\640 @ f5.0 with -1\3 exposure compensation. Auto ISO (probably 80), 18.4mm (111mm FF equiv) Photo hanging on the same wall where it was taken 100 years ago. Best, LM.

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Whenever I see these kinds of photos I think to myself "all those people are gone". It is one of the powers of photography -to record what is for those a hundred from now. Including him, the elder, adds a kesher (a knot, a connection) to your image.

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These guys were probably just grateful for the opportunity to get outdoors on a nice day, away from the (likely) hot distillery environment.  That someone, 100 years hence, would gaze on the photo with awe and admiration, probably never even crossed their minds. The kesher you mention was missing from the shot of the photo alone that I took also.  Perhaps his grandfather or great grandfather was in the photo.  The instinct to take this shot was instant.  I knew I had to take it as soon as it presented itself.  Best, LM.

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Good shot, Len, the tones are especially good. This has a wonderful layered effect. The whole thing is kind of an incongruously delicious sandwich with a unique flavor.
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Originally in colour, I felt the B&W version\theme was more in keeping with the subjects, thus the conversion.  Your comments and those of others drive this site for me.  Don't be a stranger.  Best, LM.

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A nice capture of time and reflection. 

I think that the b&w conversion also helps with the two tone appearance of the brick which might have been more distracting in color.  It's hard to figure that out too; it appears to have older brick on top of newer stuff but that may be a result of the b&w treatment.  Nice work!

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Good eye. The new brick probably covers up some old unused area.  I haven't dwelt on that aspect of the shot but I'll pay attention if I'm ever back to that location.  An old window or doorway is often bricked over but this area looks too large for either of those scenarios. And you are right, I did find the brick colours distracting.  Best, LM. 

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Len, I love the effect of the B&W photo with brick background featured against the bricks in your photo here. A solid composition too, with something of a nostalgic mood coming through. B&W was the perfect choice for this one, I believe. best, Marjolein

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Good to hear from you again.  Yes, I too prefer the B&W over the original colour version.  The feature I ponder over is that the brick wall is the very same one the original group photo was taken against.  The people in the original photo are all gone now but the building in which they all made their living still stands.  It's as though today's photographer traveled back in time & stood where the original photographer stood.  Gives me a little chill at times.  :-)  Best, LM.

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I thought the man was looking through a window wjen I saw the thumbnail ans it still looks very much as that! Great artistic life photo as I usually say for perfcetly done composition in life photography!

Best regards Len!


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"....Looking through a window...."  An apt description Pierre, a time window!  Good to have your views.  Best, LM.

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