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© Owner: James B. Johnson

Great Blue Heron


ISO 160;Shot @ 285mmf/5.6@1/1000sec.;Pattern Metering;Exposure Compensation: +0.33 Step;


© Owner: James B. Johnson

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Thanks for taking the time to view, comment/critique, rate and, for

allowing me the opportunity to share!


The image has been cropped a bit from the top and behind the GBH. A

bit of sharpening was applied, as well as some added contrast.

Any post processing tidbits would be greatly appreciated. I feel as

though that's where I'm failing.


Thanks again,

Jim j.

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It is very difficult to photograph these birds in flight.  But, you have done very well.  The heron is in sharp focus and you left room in front of the bird to fly into.  It is also good that you left the water line and shoreline to give us some perspective.  Good work.  Larger view is definitely better.  Best regards, bb

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Great capture of this bird in-flight and timely placed in the composition. 

Regards, Jim


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This is a wonderful shot. The sceen is great. Glad you left it in instead of cropping tighter, even though that would great too. Well done.

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A crazy image here my friend........ the larger view shows a totally out of focus frame, with a totally in focus Heron popped into it. Almost like two separate images, combined (a composite). Now I know you didn't do that because old duffers like you and me don't know how to do it (smiles).

The Heron really "pops", to the extent that I would love to see a larger, larger view. In doing that, you would need to lose some off the top and the right side...... I believe the Herons quality could handle a larger role in the image.

I like everything about it, from fuzzy to sharp...........

Well done.

Best regards

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Really appreciate you all taking the time for a visit, and your comments!


The local Lake/Park that I go to has a few "waterfront/shoreline" pull offs here and there. When I pulled up to park I had seen this guy hunting in the shallows on the same side of this cove that I was on, but there was not much room for me to back off in my car, park and sneak up on him.

So, I eased out of my car and got my camera out of the trunk. (I usually always have my 100-400 mounted.) Took a few seconds at the car to check the settings, and meter the light as I knew that he would probably spook and any shot would have to be hand-held.

The lighting, . . . we had mostly clouds with a few breaks now and then between the small Thunder head clouds. 30% chance of Thunderstorms were forecasted!

Yep, sure enough, . . . up and away he went, but he took flight to the left of me toward the head of the cove I was in, then made a turn and traveled parallel to the distant shore.

I had a frame of him with his wings more in the up position, but in a dark area of the shoreline, and 3 more that were way underexposed and this one. Of course I was concentrating on keeping the center focus point on the GBH and paying little attention to the background, but was aware when he passed this spot on the distant shore where the light between the clouds was decent.

Afterwards, and with a quick "chimp" I thought I had a "keeper" that made the afternoon worthwhile!

I liked the lighting in this original image, in fact I liked the overall composition but the GBH would appear much too small.

I shot at f/5.6, and I think that is taking the fullest advantage of the 100-400 zoomed to 285mm.

This is the original shot just as it came out of the camera except for the resizing to 700 pixels on the long side.




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Well, some difficulities!

"Crazy, I though we could download images to show inline to 700 pixels, but now find that they have to be smaller than 630 pixels here, and I guess I took too much time.

Here is the "As shot image!"

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I am not seeing your images even when re-sized to 630 pixels.  Saw that you posted this in the HELP thread, so hopefully you will get an answer soon.  Cheers, bb

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At least now I know it's not my "failing computer!"

I posted one of the images in the "Test forum" without any problems, but that is not the same as here I guess!

It being a Saturday morning, I expect it will take awhile for anyone to notice.

It is frustrating though when one is willing to answer questions and post images that may turn out to be a "learning experience" for others!

Thanks again Bill!

"This one will have its share of comments!

Jim j.

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Thanks for the Pmail on this................ I see what you mean about the pictures not showing........... You did use 630 as the longest side Right?

Hope the "elves" resolve the issue soon.

Talk later

Best regards

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The two shots do compliment each other. There is a lot of unneeded info in this shot so maybe someplace between the two would create a happy medium. Nice color and detail. Interested in your thoughts on my egret pictures which you can find in my Costa Rica folder.

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