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the river


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There's a lot of wonderful things in here, great detail and a visually interesting scene. Basically, I like this photograph, but now I will quibble with a few minor things!

The shadows under the trees are a trifle flat on my monitor, perhaps a trifle more texture in there would be nice. This is the sort of image where we expect to see a sort of fanatical attention to getting detail everywhere in the full range of tones, so it's slightly jarring to see it missing.

I find the rocks and stuff in the lower left corner to be slightly distracting. Possibly just burning them down a touch would help me out.

Finally, and this is the biggest of my minor quibbles, I find that the eye is led down and to the right by the streaked clouds, and up and to the right following the streambed up. These two lead to slightly different places, which I find a a little disturbing, my eye is cannot rest anywhere comfortable, if that makes any sense.

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thanks for comment Andrew, there are some technical questions to resolve indeed , this was shooted close to night and there are no information in shadows and other noise problems that i´ll try to solve next time.

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A very pleasant scene.... My own take on the image is somewhat different.... Sometimes I wonder whether how we think and talk about pictures, and especially landscapes, is dominated too much by dogma. Dogma says to darken an image's corners to keep the eye within the image, and there's a point to that, but it's not an iron-clad rule. Here, the river itself - with its strong flow - is the unifying compositional element. I find that my eye wants to follow the flow of the water to the lower right corner. That corner is somewhat darkened, which I think is a good idea and does stop my eye. My eye does not fly off the lower left-hand corner, even though it's no darker than it is. The rocks are static, and the river is dynamic and flowing away from the lower left-hand corner already. For me, that's enough, especially given the darkness of the rocks as they are. And I find the lichen or moss on the rock to be an interesting detail. I don't think it should be lost.

But experimenting with alternatives then comparing the results is always a good idea.

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