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The Destination is the Journey


1/125 @ 2.8, red25a filter, meter w/out filter 1/1000 @ 4

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Really nicely done. Everything's where it should be and the railings lead your eye very nicely into the picture. I think you've got the contrast just right for the web, too.
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Thanks Harvey! I must have looked pretty awkward waiting for my shot.. Crouching in that corner, I must have looked like a pedestrian speedcam with my tripod setup and my cable switch :)
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I think I might have tried to get the camera height up so you could shoot straight and get all your vertical lines dead straight. Also fire off several to see if you get your subject closer to the viewer. I almost missed him.
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Shots like these (converging verticals) I wish I had a PC lens.. Pentax have one offering, but have you seen its price! :) Thanks for the comment- I do agree I might have got a couple of decent shots with regard to where the cyclist was (in regard to you almost missing him) but still, I personally don't mind this shot.. Regards
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I don't either.


You could also straighten this out in PS using select all > transform > skew.

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Actually that's true! I've never thought of it.. Probably will experiment later :)Thanks
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Hey Carl, That's pretty decent. I wish it were a bit wider though, just to get the rail into the top right corner (just for balance)- I notice you had to crop some of the right side. PS sure seems like a viable option when it comes to perspective correction. I wonder if they'll ever incorporate it into digital slr firmware (it doesn't sound terribly complicated). I'm going to try this with a shot down a street perhaps.. try to capture the massiveness of the buildings and the tininess of people on lunchbreaks.. Thanks for the insight! :) It's a pretty decent alteration!
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'Skew' is great for fairly subtle straightening, but it can't increase the effective DOF like a PC lens can. You also lose part of your image, as you've noted. Much of my skewed images are shot with tele lenses for which there is no PC option.
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I haven't had the time to play around with it yet, but when you use the skew function on a larger image, is the image degradation visible?
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this is a great shot. i drive this bridge to get to work but havent seen it like this before. must get out with my own gear and try it.
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Hi Anna! Nice to hear from a fellow Brisbanite :) I doubt I'd have got this pic if I didn't live so close to the bridge. It's not too difficult a shot to get either (although like Carl & I have been talking about- I'd love to get this with a shift lens) just taken with a normal zoom. I'd also love to get a long exposure of the night city skyline from the bridge, but as you'd prolly know, the vibrations on that bridge (with all that traffic) make that particular exposure close to impossible :)
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oops, I was just flicking though the photos and didn't read the location :-P looks like I was right.


I live about 10 minutes from here. Hello to a fellow brisbanite!

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Hey Paul! Yup that's the one ;) Just the other night at about 10pm saw someone basejump it into the river couple of metres from the sand.. landed in the water. Really awesome sight.. WISH WISH WISH I had my camera- would have been an awesome shot! But too bad I swopped my gear for blades that night and went for a bit of a skate :)
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someone base jumped off the storey bridge?? Sweet. Off the top or from the walk way. I saw someone jump off the top once, but they didn't have a parachute...
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He jumped from the walkway!! Was quite impressed, he didn't have much braking time.. You witnessed what?? Really? Did he make it? I once saw police cordon off some of the mangroves below the bridge KP side, and a neighbour with a telescope saw the body.. I just saw a white sheet. Was actually talking about jumpers yesterday with some friends. Came to the conclusion Gateway's more popular for that sorta thing. Don't really wanna see it happen though!
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Thanks Robert! Actually 5 seconds later the cyclist would have been gone.. He was going pretty fast (though I'd much rather tell everyone he was doing the biking equivalent of a stroll, just for out of frame aesthetics..). I think what I should have done was set continuous drive and taken a few consecutive shots, a few of which would have worked. Oh well.. something for next time ;)
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yeah, not nice to watch. I'm pretty sure the guy died, but I didn't stick around to find out.
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Hey Paul I'm not sure if you'd get this message, but did you know the relatively new PSP8 has a dedicated Perspective Correction tool? don't even have to use stretch skew! :)
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