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Strangers on a bench


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I took a few versions of this photograph. This was not my favourite

but it is the one that turned out the best. The subjects kept moving

and the motion blur was too much! There is motion blur on the

subjects in this photograph too. However, I feel it adds to the

ambiance of the image.


I would have been happier if the reflection of the lights had been a

bit more to the right. I am sure all you photoshop experts would

have moved them. At the moment I am still trying to get good results

with my camera. Maybe later I will try to get good results with



There is a slight curve in the strong horizontal of this photograph.

I am assuming this was caused by the lens.


Everything in this image is real. Nothing has been added or taken

away. There has been a litte exposure and saturation doctoring.


Comments / Critiques / Ratings are all welcome.

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I like the tension this photo displays. Do they know each other...or are they soon to meet. The shadows add to the composition, but the three hot spots distract. Nice work!



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What I like most about this photo is the idea behind it. I don't like the lighting, but I doubt that you had much control over it. The three spots of light are distracting and where and how the people are setted, I think, should of been changed. Cutting the photo in half was a great idea too.
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I really like this image for its bold composition and the contrast of the diagonal blue tiles against the curve of the bench.


I appreciate you were limited by your viewpoint, but feel the exclusion of the light reflections would improve the picture. Would a polariser have helped? or would it have reduced shutter speed too much? If you could have altered your position or the lighting a little (ohh, how we wish to make life easy for ourselves!), i would have liked to see more of the shadows falling in the lighter tiled area. That would be a great picture.



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A picture illuminated by the different sets of contrasts, from the lines and shapes to the motions of the two strangers. The three spots of light is a distraction but had it been at the far right over the horizon it would have contrasted well with the dark shadows at the other end.
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I think everything I would say about this one has been said, but I wanted to add my voice to the positive comments. A strong picture overall.
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Looks really neat, I don't really like the 3 reflections of light though...but hey! without the lights there would be no shadows...
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David, I think imperfections (if we want to call them that) in a picture, give it character. Making everything symetrical and "perfect" would quickly give us a sterile, cartoon world. I like this one!
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realmente me gusta , ya sea el angulo como la composicion . las sombras le dan vida . Las tres luces , no se creo que podrias haberlas borrado si quisieras pero la eleccion de dejarlas no es mala , son parte del entorno .Buena foto.
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Dave, thanks for commenting on my photo. I took a look through your folders and this is probably my favorite followed by the picture of the tower.


I like the aesthetics of this picture. The shadow of the man extending the wavelike bench, the three light reflections and the disinteraction of the two people. If I had to nitpick then I would say that the woman could be more in focus but it doesn't really matter. This is a nice picture.



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I really like this one. The half white and blue is great. The only thing I'm not crazy about is the 3 light reflections I would clone them out in ps.


Nice work,



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The "S" shape works very well and the two individuals are well placed. However, I do not like the light refelections. A question: that thing in the left inferior corner, is it a pepper??


Jose Paulo

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I have just realised that I have not responded to any comments on this photograph. I can only apologise for that. I am not sure how that happened.


Perhaps the picture would look better with the hot spots cloned out but for me they are an extra ingredient in the image.


Thank you all!

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