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© my photo, please respect.

in the reeds


Digital Infrared, no photoshop


© my photo, please respect.

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Fine Art

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Hi, nice IR photo.

May I know what kind of MODE & setting you used to create this interesting false color ? Thanks.

Great job !!!

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I was starting to get a bit tired of pictures of grasses and such lately but yours is refreshingly different. The colors help make it interesting and the central concentration of cloud density lines up nicely with the overall shape of the reeds. Plus the sparseness of the reeds lets me appreciate each one on its own rather than seeing them as a mass of growth. Not sure but I think I might like the darker areas in the two upper corners to match each more closely in tone.
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I like the perspective which seems to bring some animation to the grass. Is this achieved with a filter or a postprocess?
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Very nice work. Unlike so many infra-red images I have seen, this one makes very good use of the contrasting layers in the composition. This brings a very peaceful look to the viewer. A nicely balanced photo.
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Hi - in response to those who haven't seen my work before, this is the way infrared images come out of my camera when shooting in color mode, I have been exploring false-color infrared for some time now, and beyond a auto-levels, there is no post-processing. I enjoy working in infrared because it lets me move away from reality and create a certain surreality in my images.
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Hello Frank:


Tried to rate this before, but couldn't quite define what I liked so much. On second visit, it's the echo of the shape of the whispy reeds in the whispy clouds. The false-color IR definitely adds to the sense of unreality. Fine work.

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I was moving around in the reeds, trying to find interesting

compositions with the clouds that day. I think I found one.. This

was taken with a digital camera which can record in color infrared.

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