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Bad Luck Bee


This bee had the misfortune of building its nest under our mailbox. I was only able to get a few shots before my husband took it down. I wish I'd had more time to try and get a better shot, but this was the best of what I got with the time I had.

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I know this isn't technically nature because of the mailbox, but it

was the closest category. :)


Anyway, I haven't been able to get out shooting like I wanted, but I

did make it as far as across the street to get some pictures of this

little guy today. I wish I'd been just a bit farther back so the wing

wasn't so close to the bottom, but at least I got the whole thing in



I don't normally do insect photos. My little digicam really isn't up

to the task. The "bokeh" is faked in PSE, I'm afraid. The bee was

really there, though. :) No cloning or anything drastic like that.


So, what do you think?

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You did a great job on recreating the background. It's great to catch this stage of the building - something I've never seen before. I enjoyed seeing something new. Thank's.
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I agree that with a shot like this, you work with what you've got. I wish he wasn't so close to the edge, but you are right that at least he's all there. Interesting shot.
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Thank you all for your comments.


Tom - This is a new one for me as well. I never knew there were any bees that built a bachelor pad nest instead of living in a hive.

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I like the composition. I thought at first I wanted to see more space and see he bee further into the frame, but on second thought I like (him? her?) it rght where it is. Nice job on the "bokeh," it doesn't appear unnatural. Might want to hit the one spot where the sky peeks through just to the left of the hive near the top.


I'm no etymol...entomol...bug guy, but are you sure that's a bee? Certainly isn't colored like a honeybee. Almost looks more like a mud dauber wasp, or perhaps a paper wasp. I know those particuar critters build smaller colonies than the big bee hives.

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Wow... Over 9000 views! That's amazing...


Anyway, Christian, I did try and tone down that spot with the burn (or was it dodge - I get them mixed up) tool, but I guess it could use a bit more. I think I did a pretty good job with my fake "bokeh", too. :) It helps that the background was slightly out of focus to begin with, so I was just enhancing it and not totally faking it.


As to bee/wasp, I have no idea. I call them all bees. :) It very well could be a wasp.


Thanks for your comment,

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Adam - A bit too close for comfort. :) I'm not very good at judging distances, so I'm not sure how many feet. I was probably close enough to reach out and grab it if I leaned forward a bit.
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I wish I could see more details in the insect - could you try some fill flash from the left side (without getting stung)?
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