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"Down among the green rushes"


An impressionistic view. Soften and worked in PS


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Worked in PS to get the dark impression feel I was after. The title

refers to an English folk song.

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Guest Guest


Well done! This composition captures the subject well in the surroundings. Its almost like hidding behind the bush to capture maidens bathing in the river (that kind of mood). The softness gives a sense of mysticism..
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I am sorry the softness doesn't work for me, mainly because the swan is isolated by being the only element to focus on, and it is very bright in contrast to the surrounding darkness. I think if the swan were surrounded in light, or there were other elements such as meadow flowers, or the bullrushes were more noticeable for example, that the softness would work much better. The whites also look as though they are blown somewhat. There is considerable detail lost in the feathers. I'm not even sure how this occured since the rest of the picture is pretty dark which leads me to guess you metered for the whites?
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Thank you Geraldine for you comments and to others as well. How dark to make an image? I favor dark and moody images and have not shot much wildlife at all really. Being mostly intested in landscape and conceptual images. But this last week we were in the Copper River Delta area of Alaska which teams with wild life, so my wife and I shot wild life. And Landscape. Getting good wildlife images is hard and I have always respected the skills of those who do it well. The slide of this images is soft. Due to me not haveing the auto focus setting on my F5 on "C". But on "S" (My mess up.)And I found that Nikon's 80-400mm VR lens likes to hunt alot, though I tried many settings. In this image I could have had it on spot meter to expose for the swan. Not sure on that one. But even if the swan was razor sharp I would have worked it this way. Well maybe just a bit sharper to get more detail in the wings as Geraldine said. But I am more of an impressistic photographer and wish to capture mood and feeling. And for me that leads me to the darker tones and area's of strong blacks. Now this image was a hard call. I could have left the background bank lighter and I think it still would look good. I was trying to capture the feeling that David said I did. Since this is a learning fourm I am writting all this out. and will post a lighter verison for that purpose.

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Thanks for the info details Dennis, it certainly helps to understand the photographers intent, which is always important when considering an image. I do prefer the lighter version, but I also now appreciate your 'impressionistic' style which you prefer, and also I like that you recognised the problems too. I have also struggled with telephotos hunting too long, and combined with movement in a creature I have never produced a satisfactory animal shot. I think you set yourself a task here, as surely pure nature photography is one of the hardest genres to master! I hope you pursue your interests here, and I look forward to your results. Regarding darkness and atmosphere, yes I think you are right, and indeed I sometimes opt for that too. Also, if you achieved what you intended, or realise areas you might want to improve, then that is enough IMO... as well as enjoying a wonderful day with your wife ;)
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