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... Distance Closing In ...


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Slavomir, the view is astonishing. It is also well exposed. However, I find that there's too much space around the main subjects that says very little. The forefront of the shore, also, competes with the island and sunlight as the subject, with this band of dark see separating them in the middle. They both don't integrate perfectly, in my opinion. Here I suggest you a crop that I know takes away a lot of the photo but solves both things.

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This is very attractive, Slavomir.  I disagree with Jose's crop; I like the blur of receding waters that lead into the picture.  What's missing, though, is a foreground element, which you added in your Whispering Spirits (but I would have found something natural instead).  Ireland is a great place and I hope to see many more of your images.  All the best, Jeff

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Jose, i have to disagree with your suggest for crop, first is loss of dynamics, also your crop is half on half which does not interest my eye at all, lines are what i wanted to get as a foreground and it works well for me... thanks for comment and suggestion anyway, all the best!!!

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Jose, I think we may disagree on what exactly the main subject is in this photograph.  For me, it's the vast distance of the seascape; the island and bright horizon are just supporting elements that contribute to that sense of space and distance.  From my point of view, the foreground is vital -- it's a part of the main subject.  I wish the brightest portion were not so intense and blown out, but that's an inherent limitation of a single exposure.  I wonder what this scene looked like when the sun dropped below the horizon but still reflected a lot of light off the clouds and into this scene.

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Very strong and interesting foreground.  Excellent composition.  Nice lighting, Beautiful clouds,  Best Regards,

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