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There is a riot of colors here. But is the contrast right? I would

love to hear from you. Thanks in advance.

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This looks a like a beautiful and peaceful place. The problems I find are the strong contrast not in color, but in exposure. The bottom half of the image is exposed close to natural, but the top half is over-exposed. I'm guessing you shot this in bright sunlight with the bottom part of the water being in shade. This is an almost impossible scene to expose correctly. You could try two exposures, but even then you have the issue of bright light on the top half of the water. Personally, I would try shooting the scene at a different time of day when the light -if not even - would at least not be so bright. I would also consider using a polarizer to help eliminate some of the unwanted reflection so the reflection I wanted would stand out better.

The other issue I have with the image is that my eyes kept looking for a place to settle. While busy scenes can be interesting, I think you need some feature upon which the eye can settle, at least for a moment. The bright orange leaves/flowers(?) on the right hand branch might be of interest if you recomposed the scene so that branch became the center of interest. Keep working these type scenes, you have good ideas, you just need to experiment until you find what works for you.

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This is a scene with which I am very familiar here in Florida, and have the same problems outlined by the above observer.  The only addition I would make to her excellent suggestions, is to expose for the top half of the picture and then correct  the lower half in post processing.  If you are shooting in RAW, and using Photoshop this is reasonably easy, but I think it can be done in other software too.

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