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© (c) Copyright Carl Williams 2003

weary eye


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© (c) Copyright Carl Williams 2003

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None of them have your vision, I suppose. I expected a few more people to cotton on to this representation of a very narrow view of the world, focusing on an artefact which itself provides only a narrow view of the world but which has come to be represent the realization of a viewer's interpretation of another's worldview, in a way - the so-called "objective", a technological manifestation of the idealised objective observer, which is nothing of the sort. I salute your astute and supremely concise koan, the paradoxical comment: "... no-one has commented".

If you look closely you can see yellow sulpher stains on the black paint - acquired in fact from standing too near a volcanic spring, but symbolically hinting at a brush with Evil, adding a kind of counterpoint dimension to the metaphor, and perhaps thereby suggesting a kind of yin/yang dichotomy whereby the seeds of opposed but mutually dependent concepts such as subjective/objective are embodied in their respective extremes.

For the wider audience, I guess it lacks some vital ingredient. Accessibility, perhaps, or being any good when you come to think of it.

I confess I sneaked a look at your own portfolio, better to understand your comment, and I have to say it's daringly minimilist, very post-postmodern in a kind of nihilist paradigm. I also noticed what had piqued you, which I'd quite forgotten about, and I think it's big of you to go to the trouble of offering a critique of what must be one of my most obscure and unsuccessful works despite my having made gentle fun of an opinion you expressed, so thanks for the comment.

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AIUI, biblical pedants tend to object to people calling masturbation (metaphorical or otherwise) "onanism" - something about Onan having been up to something altogether different (I'm sure you know the story).


No, this is called something like "spouting complete bollocks", and possibly "playing to the peanut gallery" (though no-one much will look in here, so I hope I'm not too guilty of the latter).


Have you considered that your pointless comment on my pointless picture might also have been what you term "onanism"?


Whatever, I give up, you're far funnier than I could hope to be, and in far fewer words.

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Lees, you are a pervert if you see onanism, once someone is showing you his (pretty uninteresting) lens. I looked up what your critiques are about and I have to admit; it is all about sex. Well, have fun. There is a lot of it in this great mysterious P.N. labyrinth.
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