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I think these are really promising - actually, already very good - would like to see more - where you go with the idea.

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Thanks James, I do have a few more of these images and in the future will try some other ideas, along this theme.

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I rarely make comments on photos, but this one caught my eye at the bottom of a thread I was reading and it inspired me to say something.


Point is I don't know what to say. So suffice it to say if I saw this show up among the billions I find in a google image search I'ld click on it in a heart beat just to find out who did it.


Was that a critique? Probably not, but you better not change a thing, or I might go the other way.


Good work, Simon.

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I'm rarely a fan of titles for photographs; the photograph IS the title, and adding words diminishes it. But here I love the title, because it immediately raised the question in my mind: whose longing, the subject's or the photographer's? It's a question that adds depth to the experience of looking at the photograph, which is a rare synergy. I too was drawn by a picture at the bottom of a thread -- a wide angle landscape "grass is not greener" (which I would love to know the lens for, btw) -- and am very much enjoying looking at your photographs. they are technically excellent, well seen, probing and intelligent.

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Hello Vince - Well that was a nice write up to wake up to, I agree about the titles and I would often just leave the picture without one then I would get asked why there wasn't one. There are definitely good reasons to not have a title and leave it to the viewers imagination.


The lens used on Grass is Greener is a Nikon 16-85mm which I use for all my landscape shots, it was handheld and I bracketed 3 exposures.


Thanks for stopping by.

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