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© John White Australia

Mr Percival, Big Boy and Babe sing!

Mr Percival and two friends Big Boy and Babe at Kirton Point South Australia.


© John White Australia

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Not much to say that hasnt been said already! Excellent moment captured, interesting angle and very good, crisp, clean, colors and background. It certainly brings a smile to anyones face upon seeing it for the first time and it certainly has that feeding the animals look to it, but after reading the comments and the info from the photographer it seems obvious that the birds are truly singing and not trying to catch fish thats being thrown at them, as it may seem. I particularly liked the idea that the photographer has acquainted himself with a person who knows these three birds by name and who has built somewhat of a close relationship with them; this way, no one has to worry about animal abuse or the extinction of animal species.
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Great shot - don't clone! It's perfect as is.

Nice effort with a D60...I'm still trying to achieve this level with mine.

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The image is funnny and I like it.

The composition is quite perfect. But it's a photo of animals in a particular situation...

So, about the composition, I can only agree with a previous comment - Keep things "Natural."-


That said, I'm happy to know from Carl that ".. 'Nature's Best' accepts only slides for their publication.."

So, I obviously strongly disagree with an other previous comment " I don't care whether they are made of plastic or real."

I care.

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My comment is second hand information, although I consider the

source to be reliable. In cases like this, I wonder how a slide

converted from a digital file would be received?

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Definitely don't clone anything in this image. Sometimes cloning is necessary, but this photo stands up well exactly as it is. The colors are very striking and that's what got my attention first. Then when you start to look at each bird, the photo gets more and more interesting. Good work!
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Terrific photograph with excellent color. I wouldn't touch it unless you had a real Photoshop jones, and were a stickler for space and symettry.


Then....... it caught my attention, but I might consider cloning out the pelican fellow in the water on the left. But then again, maybe not.

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To those wondering how to get so close...


Aussie pelicans are very easy to photograph as they habituate at docks, boat ramps etc in the expectation of fish. They come to you. They will 'sing' for a tossed fish! Similar for the seagulls - feathered cockroaches of the beach.


That said, this is a good shot because the low angle and timing sets it apart from the no doubt hundreds of half-tame pelicans shot every week in estuaries across the country. And the awkward charm of the pelican doesn't hurt either.


Don't worry about removing the seagull. Pointless exercise.

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How do you get this sharpness and clearness of the colour?? Did you use tripod? What was the ISO on the camera? I am trying to figure out how to make sharp images with digital camera? Thank you AD
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I have one question for you...Why would you want to clone out the gull? It doesn't detract from an excellent image. This is fantastic! Well done! You should enter it into the Aga Wildlife of Year competition.
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You could take out the 4th pelican, but don't take out the seagull.


I also wouldn't take out the seagull that is not facing the pelicans. This adds a bit of realism to the shot. Besides, it kinda feels like he is staring at the camera... :-)

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Who cares about the 4th pelican? I had to search the shot just to find it. How in the world did you ever get the smaller birds to form a circle like that ????? This photo doesn't just deserve high marks for the usual gradings, but also for choreography - incredible. In the thumbnail view, it could pass as an advert for Finding Nemo !!
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Jihn, this is extremely well done, as presented. Leave the gull, removing too much I believe will take the nature out of Nature.

Best, Chas www.shootthelight.com





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I think keeping the seagull in front will take some of the "effectiveness" of the photo as the circle the seagulls will be somewhat broken.

maybe using photoshop to slightly darken the seagulls to make the "big boy" stand out a bit more might help


hope this helps



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