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The other falls at High Falls portage | Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada | May 2003


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I'm not sure I like the point of view...IMO its different, yes. But also a bit disconcerting and I think distracts from the subject.

How far is this Park from the Quetico? I was just up there a few weeks ago.


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I think the idea to tilt may be a good one, but I don't think you've got it quite right - yet I'm unable to pinpoint the reason for saying this. Maybe the falls feel a bit cramped and the red rock in the foreground is rather too noticeable. Maybe tilted but zoomed out or wide angled. I wonder if having the water flow on a diagonal across the frame would be better ... just a few ideas that come to mind.
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Thanks guys for your comments. I, too, am aware of cramped/overtilted feeling you mentioned.


Matt, Quetico is just west of Thunder Bay, right? Algonquin provincial is on the other side of Lakes Superior and Huron. It takes up a good portion of the area between Lakes Ontario, Nippising, Georgian Bay and the Quebec border (almost 8000 square km) in the north of southern Ontario. I highly reccommend the Barron Canyon area (in the park) if you're in the neighborhood with a camera, a tent and a canoe.


In case anyone is interested, I have a detailed map and description of a 3 day route including discussion of tripping strategies and a brief geographic history of the area.

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