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A montage I made for my wife's birthday card that started with a simple idea and kept growing. Based on the image called " A Garden Grows" in this same folder. Which had to deal with people and symbols that help my growth. This image is for my dear wife and partner of 29 yrs. Hmmm, no wonder its feels like 30yrs! :-))))) Worked in PS


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It's interesting that you chose the portrait that you did as the background image. It doesn't seem to flatter her near to the extent that any of the smaller images do. Also... why are (you?) perparing to empale her temple with a sword?
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The sword I am holding is in a at rest position. I see it and meant it as "her Knight" ready to protect and defend and honor. The main image I like because it is thought full. These types of images are very personal in nature and I know will not work for every one. But it does for me. Thank you for your comment PS: I also like the main image because it shows her aging and all the other images are when she was younger. So the image of her shows strength. She is almost always smiling so this shot is differnt and adds depth for me. It shows some of the personality that can handle a 40' sailboat in a rising gale while I took my rest time below decks in the north pacific ocean sailing back to Alaska from Hawaii. And many other such things.
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Dennis,my first impression of this image was of my friends and family who I grew up with in the 60's and 70's.THE IMAGE OF YOU COULD ALMOST PASS OFF AS ME,I'm just an old long haired freak who cannot(and will not)shake my past.


I can feel your emotions here,touch the textures of a life that seemed so much more innocent and endearing.I actually have tears in my eyes while writing this...I long for what was but cannot be for me.


'Crazy Chester followed me and he caught me in the fog,he said I will fix your rap if you take Jack my dog...I said wait a minute Chester,you know Im a peacful man,he said thats ok just feed em when you can..............

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Dennis, this is a wonderful work.... an excellent gift for your wife's birthday..... This image will surely bring lots of memories to her.... about the beautiful time and wonderful moments she has shared with you..... Looking at this image.... I think of the life I shared with my wife... the joys and sorrows we have underwent together for over thirty years.... I believe your work will touch many people of our age... more or less the same way... By the way, if I am asked to make any suggestion to improve the image, I would like to suggest you to move your small image holding a sword to the upper right corner of the frame... that way... I suspect the whole image would be more balanced....IMHO...
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Guest Guest


Great homage to Vickie, Dennis! Have a nice trip....! Anna
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Dennis - I agree that there seems to be a lot of thought behind the expression, and if the portrait has special meaning to one or both of you, that is enough to include it. All I was trying to say is that your wife is a very pretty woman and the harsh shadow on main portrait doesn't compliment her as much. I think the suggestion of moving your image is a good one also.


Thomas - The Band was easy, but what is the second one?

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I am pretty sure it was the Airplane before they became the Starship. And thank you all for your constructive comments. And to Thomas B. Those times pull at me still. Check out the series I did on "Judy" it's scattered around my folders. I have some 4 rolls of 16mm B&W film I shot in the Haight at that time. That I found last year and hope to have devloped when I can afford it. So that I can continue my series on the 60's. I checked and it costs alot. But it now stored under refrigeration. The film cans are labled...Gratefull Dead in the Park....Golden Gate park Be IN....Hippie hill and the Kishna's.. and other stuff. It could still be good I am told as it has been here in Alaska stored in a cool place these last 30+ yrs.
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Fine thoughtful concept. I would agree with Tom W. about being surprised that you chose an image with such a strong shadow over one 'window to the soul' to dominate; but you had your reasons. The smaller images surround her like thought bubbles, perhaps there's no need to go peering into both pupils to discover the past and present. Good work.
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