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The Cottage of Baba Yaga


IR-Filter, Aperture 9.5 Time 2"

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Congrats! I would grant the a POW but I have no pull. Not an original scene but the execution and post modification is smart an appropriate not that "In my Mind" Dreamy cool comic book stuff. Well done.
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I am still experimenting, so I think my next IR-posting will contain the technical detail and all the experience I got. For those, who are interessted now to get more details:I can send a mail with more description just mail me and you'll get an answer!

thanX all for comments and critic!


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I got some new, but they appear to similar to this one to me, I am looking for something special. :-)

I'm working hard having fun!

best robertO

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Many people mailed me to get more details how to make color-ir. My first experience is here: ( please don't mattter my pidgin english :-)

I used my Dimage7 for the first experiments with IR. I got a IR-BW-filter for the Lens with the number B+W 49ES 093, I think 093 is the measure for the density. It is a nearly black filter for visible colors and it pass only IR.To test the filter I took a foto from a motiv with many trees ( appear bright on IR) containing cluody sky,red houses and water.I used a tripod because the exposure times where long f9.5 3 or 4 seconds at ISO 100.During shooting you see the IR-Image in the display of the digicam.The Lens was at 28mm wide angle so I hopedto get a good sharpness. The sharpness wil be a problem when making photos with the tele lens.The auto focus works well but may be the chromatic correction of the lens is not perfect.So, I try always to corect manually the focus and I use small apertures.Using the tripos a make many IR-Photos with differenc setting of aperture and focus to get a best choice.The next step to have a basis for the color-ir and I take a color photo.In the electric darkroom ( I use PaintShop Pro Version 7).

I provide the following steps:1. correection of the toning of the IR. It is brown-red when the digicam is in the automatic color correction mode.so I make it BW.

2. Correction of the contrast/brightness using first the histogram correction later the contrast corrreection.

3. I apply the unsharp mask to enhence the contrast of edges and the sharpnessThe same correction are applied to the color phot ( except the sharpness correction, I let the color photo smooth.

4. In the first try I put the color photo as an separate layer on the IR-Photo.

5. I change the transparency of the layer to get the best IR-Color effect.

6. I cut out the parts of the layer which I do not like having the IR-Effect, I cut using the lasso with a smooth wide border.

7. Now the sharpness can be increased, only the desired parts.

8. The last step is to merge the layers and modify the saturation, contrast and sharpness of the merged photo.

All these step can be applied many times for different effect.

OK that's is.

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In this folder...

You have come up with a remarkable result for a test shoot with your IR filter. I see even Willem Dijkstra has dropped by and that is great. However, best of all is your generous comment on how to apply this technique - that is photo.net at its best... Thanks Robert!

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This is a black and white image that has been digitally colored? Is that right? I like the use the heavy foreground, which really gives the scene heft and body. The IR treatment counter-acts that weight with its bright rendering of the trees and foliage, and your coloring, if that's what it is, is pretty good. I like doing this myself.


I agree with the observations regarding the tree lines and because of this I personally wouldn't want this to be POW because it would get shredded on that basis and that would be a bad experience for you. If you could somehow re-work it and correct the tree/sky junction, then maybe so, but I wouldn't want to see it torn to pieces as a POW.

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An experiment cannot be a POW. It is not digitally colored. As I explained it is an experiment: 2 photos ( ir,color), 2 layers and some modification as you can read in the recipe. The line between the sky must be. The line is the "kick" of this shots. Like a local solarisation.
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Mmmm... Sad... I really like what you did here, except for 2 things. 1) Why keep so much water in the foreground ? I'd rather crop. 2) Major mishap at the edge of the trees, on which I see part of the sky's blue. Touched-up and cropped, it would be very good and very original. Regards.
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For me is this one the best of 3 shots, just because the deep blue water area.

You don't understand?Hmmm..... really sad..I wonder.

Look at the smooth,dark water area as an opposite to the whitetree structures. Water and sky must be as a ballance to the chaos of details.

The other 2 shots are just an experiment of an other crop. One with more water and sky and an other with a close crop (less water).See attachmant of the close one.

Why... or What ... sad ?:-)Thankyou for viewing.

best regards robertO

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Why "sad"...? Mmmm... Probably not really sad. In French I would have used "Dommage", but I didn't know how to translate it - and still dont...:-) Now, I still don't agree that the water is needed to balance anything. A bit of water, yes. But not that much IMO. So let's agree to disagree. What I do know is that I truly like the scene itself and the composition of the original upload. Without water, better imo, but the shot you attached just now is a different shot, so we can't really compare. Nevertheless, I just wanted to tell you that I find the composition of the attached version truly perfect, much richer and compact, as well as more intimate, since the house appear to have been discovered a second ago behind the foreground. I think both images are really very good and the attached one maybe even excellent. I just feeel both need a little work on the colors and a little fine-tuning. What was sad is that I imagined a perfect version but couldn't see it on the page... but perhaps I'll have a pleasant surprise soon... or even 2...? Best regards.
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German=Schade, I understand now. OK I resume.

I am experimenting now an have more shot. I'll post the result as a serie. It will be a mixture of bad and good pictures, to see the reaction of my fellow photographers.

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strange colors... a bit too much fairy-tale IMO. Actually I prefer the second post you've made with your comment 'less water', much sober and credible...
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I think the foreground dark portion of the river is important because it gives the image balance and to crop it would make it too centered. I love your experiment because the colors are fabulous and erie as well as the mood it creates for me which is peaceful, quiet otherwordly beauty. Nice shot!
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Many of the photos here inspire me... yours is the first that makes me want to put my camera away. I'll have a hard time puttng this image out of my mind and am certain I'll never do anything that compares... I love the whole series.... great work
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I really love this image and your IR works generally. Can the IR-filter be used with a film camera or only with a digital camera ?
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God, this is one of the most gorgeous shots I have ever seen. This definitely deserves more than 7/7. Now THIS is art! Fantastic.
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