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The Cottage of Baba Yaga


IR-Filter, Aperture 9.5 Time 2"

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I like the idea, but I find the break between IR and the color photo jarring, particularly along the diagnoal going up to the upper right corner. The saturation play on the houses (I assume) is effective, giving it a look of a colorized photo.
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This is a fabulous shot!! I've recently invested in a Hoya R72 IR filter for my digital camera and have been struggling to get decent clarity during my initial attempts. And combining the IR with a color version in post-production is very imaginative! I love the result!!
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This is very impressive. Truely a piece of art !!! I also likes IR photography a lot, but I'm just an amateur. Few weeks ago I bought a Hoya R72, but the near IR range is a bit short. Probably I should have gone for RM90 or better one ... May I know what IR filter ? Thanks. Again, excellent shot, definitely 10 out of 10 ... =)
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Hallo Robert,ein wunderbares Photo wirklich wie ein altes Gemälde.mich würde interesieren wie du das hinbekommen hast wenn ich bei meiner coolpix5700 den irfilter draufschraube und in farbe "belichte"hab ich immer nur ein braungetontes bild hinterherund keins mit so tollen farben.



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Hallo Roland,

danke! bei mir ist es genauso aber mit ein wenig software arbeit kriegt man das hin. wenn du mir mailst kann ich dir die Arbeitsschritte sagen! gruss



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I love the brightness of the trees in stark contrast to the dark sky and water. The colours themselves are wonderfully subtle, and like pen and ink painted with a very fine brush. I was wondering if you tried to print this yet on watercolour paper? My only concern is as Nestor pointed out on the tops of the trees. Perhaps you could try the PS layering using the extract tool on the colour version? It should separate the leaves from the skyline fairly more acurately than masking an impossible area using brush or lasso tools. A stunning result, that is certainly worth that little bit more development to perfect it. Well done with your patience and persistence in your experimentations!
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good idea I'll try to print it on different papers. And about the trees:it is my first try so I'm learning by doing and I hope the next will include yours and all suggestion I got here.ThanX


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This is creative genius at work. When you think it's all been done before I see something like this. Great merging of color and infrared photography. I really appreciate your sharing the technical process to create this photo, but nothing can match the mind that envisioned this experiment. Thanks for sharing, and consider these comments helpful or rubbish as you see fit.
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Your description above is apt--a touch kitschy, but certainly very engaging. This is like a very sweet apertif, one, occasionally, can be exquisite, but regular consumption would soon become sickeningly sweet! Still, nice work.
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I missed a lot, but, at least late, also wanted to join others. Perfect digital work, Robert. Images like this is the best illustration of bright prospects of 'digital future', which is a part of overal progress (btw, many photographers still think, that digital alterations is a terrible sin, they say "cheating").
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