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Il soggetto è bellissimo! Questa quadruplice stratificazione che parte dal basso (la spiaggia) e va verso l'alto con il mare lievemente increspato e poi su, le colline della costa dell'Elba divise da uno strato di caligine, che fanno da sfondo ad una ragazzina pensosa che guarda il mare assorta e ad un ragazzino più piccolo che guarda in alto - forse un aereo.

Mi piace moltissimo!

L'unico dubbio riguarda il contrasto, non tanto dello sfondo, che è perfetto così, quanto delle due figure, che mi sembra un po' ridotto. Cosa hai usato? Digitale convertito in B&N? Quale tecnica?


Absolutely beautiful subject! this quadruple stratification starting from the bottom of the photograph and moving up to the sea and the mist-veiled coastal hills. They are the background of a pensive girl and a smaller boy looking up, maybe watching a plane.

I like it really very much.

The only question concerns the contrast, not of the background, which is perfect as is, but of the two persons. It looks a bit low. What did you use? Digital converted to B&W? Which technique?

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luca and ruud, thanks. About the low contrast, is a little compact, with the scenes.... Luca, ti farà piacere sapere che sono ripassato all'analogico. un ritorno a scuola, per reimparare che deve esserci un soggetto e non solo un file fascinoso.... non so quanto durerà il corso, dipende dall'alunno

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The heart of the photo, for me, is in the stillness of the woman playing against the stretching gesture of the boy. They inhabit the same, yet different worlds. You've isolated the figures nicely against the muted and suggestive background. The texture of the land reads really well and adds a nice dimension. The composition has a harmony that works with the overall mood and expression, which is pensive and quiet.

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Un'immagine sensazionale che racconta una o piu' storie a seconda dell'interpretazione personale, dalla gioia del ragazzino ai pensieri della ragazza....un momento che solo un grande puo' cogliere...eccellente! Un abbraccio
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the title has nothing to do with the image, and the title seems like a gimmick to give artificial meaning to a picture that is a gray, undefined mess with silhouettes that provide zero emotional grab on the viewers heart. the image is an emotional blank that pretends to have mood, but completely misses its mark, it fails to define the moment, and fails to capture or have emotional impact. a pointless aesthetic pretending to be real. dp

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Tough critique!

Some remarks:

  1. I agree that the title is disconnected with the photo itself. Maybe Andrea knows something we don't and that does not appear in the picture. But I think this photo does not need the title.
  2. I don't know if Andrea wants the photo to pretend to have mood. It has none. To me this image is mainly graphic. A graphic background and these two silhouettes in the foreground. The only element which really disturbs me are the two buoys, but I can bear with them.
  3. It seems very tidy for a photo. If you want an example of a messy photo, consider this is one!

I don't like all photos by Andrea de Bonis, but I like this one. And not all photos need to convey emotions.


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oh, stop Luca. your photo is not a mess, yours is a creative effort made to render a vision of spontaneous reality, which is why i admire the courage and humanity in your work. 

i made the comments that i did about this debonis just to make sure that viewers are not tricked by the shallow graphics to believe that this image has anything to do with love, mood, nature, experience of the sea, emotion, or anything else for that matter. it's a smudge attempting to be stylistic, which is the last thing in the world your pictures are, Luca.

fine. it's some sort of graphic gray thing; maybe it's "experimental" in a way... but my point is that photography is a powerful art form which carries with it the responsibility to produce more than a blank.  

many photographers on PN try very hard to make images that have meaning, and i'm just saying that i don't understand why they go unnoticed, while i'm sure this particular piece of stylization will receive adoring comments.

andrea, do something meaningful and engaging with your technique. dp

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I dont think that Donna s critique is tough. it is just ones opinion that she has expressed. the title is too big for this shot. all photos should have meaning of some sort. even if the meaning is to have no meaning then that is what should come across and be expressed. the boy adds nothing to the shot. he should be removed from the story. his emotions are that of a kid being silly and takes away from the girls serious pose. technically there is just too much wrong with it my opinion to be saved. i dont really like frivoulous photos this is just my opinion .. sam
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thanks, my friend! but please, dont spend toomuch words for a little photo! there  is the forum or the social networks. about title, i confirm this one maybe becouse the joke of the boy is to jump as someone that temporarily losed consciousness for admiration. but is for my memory, dont take it seriously

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I rather like the quiet mood that I perceive in the photo, although I agree that the contrast ( especially on the two subjects), could possibly have been done with a tad more subtlety, as it appears to be a bit flat... I like the pensive stance of the girl & I think that the boy adds an interesting counter-point to the overall scene, breaking the stillness somewhat. I like the different visible layers and the straightforward square comp. too.... What camera did you use here..? Nikon - analogue..?  Gr, M

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Caro Andrea, come vedi sono tornato anche da te. Il peggio per me è passato anche se per riacquistare la piena libertà ci vorranno ancora quasi 2 mesi. Questa tua bella foto mi rimanda indietro a quando da bamino giocavo spensierato sulla spiaggia...

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Ouch!  At the risk of seeming to 'pile on',  the title doesn't resonate with me either.  Guess you had to be there.  I part company with any who hint that it has no merit though.  I like the semi-silhouette of your subject and the way the background elements provide a feeling of depth with their receding lighter tones.  Your positioning of your subject is great.  Could be titled 'Contemplation' though every viewer will likely have their own ideas.  I'm also thinking that the seated boy holding his leg could be a bratty little brother she kicked in the shin for some perceived or real show of disrespect.  :-(  I'm thinking there is more to this photo simply judging by the amount of rhetoric it's generated.  One more opinion to contemplate.  Best, LM.

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Hello Andrea,

WOW it seems that an image with no emotions according to some, can create such a discussion.  To me that means something.  Title or no title I like the image. 

Lets not forget that everybody has preferences in art and photography.  My son likes heavy metal, i don't, but it doesnt mean heavy metal is not good music. 

I would just like to see some nice pictures of Donna on PN. 

Maybe one thing I would try is to have a bit more contrast. Just to pop the subjects more out of the picture.


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Ben? you would like to see some nice pictures of me on PN? what is that supposed to mean? LOL this is one out of two harsh criticisms i've ever given on PN and your loyalty to de bonis is touching. ;-} dp

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A couple of things:

The amount of words written about any picture doesn't mean it's good (though I happen to like this one). It means people chose to write about it. As a matter of fact, in this case, a lot of the words are written in response to Donna's comment, not in response to the picture. Some awful pictures have had a lot written about them. IMO, it's a mistake to assume that long commentary has much to do with the value of a photograph. In many cases, it wasn't the photo itself that stimulated the discussion and even if it did, the quantity of words written has little to do with the quality of the picture.

Also, I don't assume positive critiques of a photo or harsh responses to harsh critiques are written out of loyalty to a photographer. I think they can be responses to the photo or to the thoughts of the critic. I write a lot of harsh comments, more in the forums when discussing ideas than when discussing individual photos. I am prepared to be challenged on them. Harshness often breeds harshness in return. It makes sense.

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thanks, my friends, for your comments, many of them really interesting for the picture. But i have a suggestion and an invitation for someone of you: the sugestion is: if you want to write with no relation with the photos posted,, try to resist. the invitation is: if you cant resist, write as short possible and in a forum. dont use other's photos as vehicle.

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mauro, len, sheril, fred, ben, thanks a lot for your commemnts. about the contrast, i tried but nothing to do, i think this kind of cameras are good only with an easy light

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