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Nikon 950, no flash, available light

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So - I usually don't like to crop my pictures much. But I am wondering about whether to crop this one. In some ways I like the white wall, and the darkness on the other side of the door, but I can't decide if the image would work better without them. Opinions?

BTW, its fine with me if you want to save this to your HD and fiddle with it and then send it to me to show me what you'd do. Just delete it when you're done...
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For me, I wouldn't crop as the shot appears somewhat tilted. I think it would "distress" the shot to a degree. I like the contrasts too.


Another great shot!

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I would not crop it at all. But I would burn in the model just a tiny bit to give her a little more definition in the photograph. she is kind of hard to see back there. since you use incandescent lights, perhaps go back and shoot this and add just a tiny bit more light to her. not much. maybe a third of a stop. kevin
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I don't like the way the door frame bends due to the distortion. You might want to try another shot with the model in the middle or at the other end of the door asnd just include the model, the darkness and the criss crossing frame lines. I tried to play around with the image in Photoshop to show you what I mean but the moidels current position is too far to the right to make it work.
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Hallo Amy, I like the idea, but I suggest to remake the picture. Camera in front of the door,and keep the sides of the door black.



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The only thing I would do is blow it up and mount it. I kinda like the bendy lines of the door, and though I can see the point about a little lighter model, the light where it is just lets you see the hint of the bare outlines of the model..no pun intended, also I might add that the scan could effect what were seing anyways. I find that the contrasts change a bit when you publish on the glass cyclops.
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It's interesting but the tilt doesn't do much for me.


What I think would loo cool is to do a composition of just the french door taking up half the frame and the wall taking up the other half so it is very geometric. Then throw in the curves of your nude lit as you have her and it would be more interesting in my eyes.

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I like the blank areas, they reflect the change in light of your model. But they also add an element of surprise. How can I explain this; "hmm a doorway .. oh look there is someone there". Looks like you used quite a wide angle, a 24??
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It does look a bit wide, doesn't it? But no, this is just the regular lens on the 950. I have the wide angle lens that screws onto it, but I am not crazy about it with figure stuff.
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