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Brilliance of Turkey


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Wonderful capture , amazing colors and light , good composition , beautiful work ...................... Best regards.

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Beautifully composed and even more wonderful when viewed larger...

The bit of light on the face of the subject is perfect.

I would suggest adding "View larger" to the title in case someone should miss this treat.

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     This is a wonderful capture.

And you captured it at a very special place of Turkey (Gelibolu). During first world war, about 500000 soldiers died there. Our great dads tells that during sunsets blood was shining on slopes of hills. People still finds crashing bullets there.

        During war, Atatürk says to his soldiers (I command you to die here, because then some other people will come to save our land)

     Did you read Atatürk's saying for Australlian(Aztec) soldiers there?

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Thanks a lot my friends for your motivating comments and support.




Thanks for viewing the image and showing interest. Gallipoli is a special place – not only to Turkish people but also to all freedom-loving people of the world. This photograph was taken in Anzac Cove in Gallipoli. Anzac Cove was the main base of the battle of Gallipoli in 1915. This sea-beach generates emotionality into everybody who reaches there. Total Allied deaths were 43,000 British, 5,000 French, 8,700 Australians, 2,700 New Zealanders and 1,370 Indians. Total Turkish deaths were around 60,000.


 The great Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (Father of the Turks) delivered his historical command here to save his country. He ordered “Ben size taaruzu değil, ölmeyi emrediyorum. Biz ölünceye kadar geçecek zaman zarfında yerimize başka kuvvetler ve kumandanlar geçebilir” - "I do not command you to fight, I command you to die. In the time it will take us to die we can be replenished by new forces" That was a turning point in the history of Turkey  -  a  point of national pride for Turkish people.

Ataturk wrote a letter (1934) to the mothers of Anzac Soldiers who died in Gallipoli War in 1915. That was an emotionally soaked letter. A few lines from the letter are inscribed on stones of Anzac Cove in Gallipoli. I’m attaching a photograph of that inscription.

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      First of all, I should thank to you for the knowledge that you gave. Actually I was not supposing that you would know that much. And I wrote there the remainders in my mind.

      Since the inscription is not seen well, I will post here Atatürk's word for Anzac soldiers. Actually its Turkish is more emotional.

"Uzak memleketin toprakları üstünde kanlarını döken kahramanlar; burada dost bir vatanın toprağındasınız. Huzur ve sükun içinde uyuyunuz. Sizler Mehmetçiklerle yan yana, koyun koyunasınız. Uzak diyarlardan evlatlarını harbe gönderen analar; göz yaşlarınızı dindiriniz, evlatlarınız bağrımızdadır. Huzur içindedirler ve huzur içinde rahat rahat uyuyacaklardır. Bu toprakta canlarını verdikten sonra artık bizim evlatlarımız olmuşlardır.”

 "Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives... You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side now here in this country of ours... you, the mothers, who sent their sons from faraway countries wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land. They have become our sons as well.”


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Hi dear friend!...An excellent image with very well colour tones,great view point and wonderful elements.You injected power and showed the brilliance of life as well as possible.Really adorable,my friend!...Take care!...Best regards(Bobby).
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Amazing gorgeous image with a very deep human significance that touched my soul! Great important report that is being visited by many PN members and will continue for long time.  Warm regards my friend.

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Very impactful seascape with gorgeous light and colors. The presence of the lonely walker adds a lot to the scene. Congrats, Sumon!

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