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Infrared filter, lit with single, unbalanced halogen, cropped in PS7.

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Fine Art

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Another shot with the previous camera (DSC-S75) and IR filter,

predictably unpredictable results. Your comments on this or the

price of digital eggs are always welcomed.

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the phallic metaphor of the image stands on its own - you don't need the cheesy caption.
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"the phallic metaphor of the image " looks like Daniel is after a ticket to pseud's corner. And George, I can't see it as provocative unless you mean thought provoking. To me its just a nice abstract image - and one which serves to re-enforce my view that the body just makes beautiful shapes. The image isn't very sharp - almost to the point where you could beleive its an ink blot that happens to look like a body. Some would call that a criticism, but who cares ? Some people find this kind of picture just passes them by and some people happen to like it. I'm in the second group.
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Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. (you too, Daniel, I earned the wrist-slap for the title!)

James, wish I could've expressed what I had in mind with this shot half as well. As Owen observed, the focus either makes or breaks a piece like this, depending on how stringent you are about the "rules". IMHO the best reason to learn the rules of any artform is so you'll know precisely what you're flying in the face of.

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The lines are lovely. I agree with Mr. O'Neill, it's "thought provoking". Could it be a metamorphosis of some kind? A cocoon holding it's secret? or, just a beautiful woman's back. We need more of this.
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