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Romantic Reptile Aryan

Pierre Dumas

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows;

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I'm reading a very interesting book, so interesting and compatiblewith my general view on the world and the universe that I couldn'tresist to express it through my art...brand new, made this morningafter all night reading!

Thank you for your attention dearcolleagues!


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Unfortunately it is evening here and I find my self also enjoying this fine Art with its high class quality, beautiful work and of elements and contents which are all working together remarkably to form one superb image and amazingly connecting with the viewers.


Thank you for sharing it and wishing you all of the best.

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Thanks for the invitation to view this image.  It is extraordinarily creative, and contains elements that are quite thought-provoking.  I see a lizard wearing a suit and white shirt, its gaze fixated on a full moon.  The full moon itself is responsible for the word "lunatic".  Is the lizard a lunatic? Also, dogs and wolves howl at the moon; the lizard is mute.  The perceived distance between the lizard and the structure in the background evokes feelings that the lizard is an outcast.  This would be consistent with the use of the term "lunatic." 

I really wish you would take it easier on me.  I'm totally exhausted after studying and commenting on this photograph!


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Hi Pierre,

Well done my friend.

This appeals to my astronomical interests, nature interests (lizards are among my favorite creatures).

I also enjoy seeing a genius at work , as your presentations continue to be outstanding.

Best Regards, Uncle Mike

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Well, I too am reading a book on the universe and mankind also, which is Stephen Hawkins' second oeuvre, but it is very disappointing in comparison to the first one which, incidentally I have read three times from cover to cover in an effort to understand more fully. Funny that I have friends with zero scientific training who claim to understand it all, that is until you ask them any questions of course ... : -)

Now to your work Pierre which as always, as you know, leaves me a little perplexed. Just as Picasso was an exceptional draftsman before delving into modernism, you also have excellent knowledge and control over the camera, before moving to your creations. It's important, as abstraction is then not an excuse for incompetence, but is used rather to enhance the message.

The question is though what is that message? Your creations are a little like a Rorschach test in that I don't think they have any single meaning, rather they are open to interpretation. Now I'm not sure if is you that are the loony or it is me, I will never know, but I do find the most weird meanings sometimes in your works.

The snake already as you know has mythical, religious connotations going back to our creation, moreover here it is breaking through the surface, as it would the ovule. The moon is also a symbol of fertility, a woman's cycle. the offspring and reflection open other channels of figurative thought, all of which combine to prepare one for the rest house, or asylum if you wish. I do have images come to mind but I'm not sure I want to share these on the net .. :-). Enough to say that your works are always a delight, well composed and put together and that they entertain in many ways, including art. Best wishes to you my friend. John

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Absolutely wonderful, Pierre.

I knew that the moon had special effects on human but never expected this magnitude of influence...

Great composition.

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Well if you do that every when you've read a book I'm curious to the new photo.

This one is very strong and that just when it is nearly haloween. Great work and good luck with your next book.


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Pierre, Isn't it a dream of every lizard to become a Lacoste trademark? To honor your reptilian endeavours, I will post another lizard photo, that one is of a girly lizard, young, tender, and slim, just like a girl from Ipanema, may be this handsome, upward mobile lizard can be her knight in a shining armour? All the best my friend, your imagination is still head and shoulders above most of us.***MAJCTOP CBOJE BPCTE***

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Pierre, this is wonderful!  I'm not sure how to critique the details, but when you put all the pieces together it's fascinating.  Bravo!

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A lizard wearing a suite... oh my! The image is interesting to look at although I would like to understand the symbolic meaning of objects as John's comment above. I tried to look if there are other lizards peeking through the windows but did not find any. A thought provoking image as always.

Best wishes... Sandeep

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