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Glass eyes


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O.K. I know that You are probable sick of seeing this face again but I havent found new model yet and I'am still having fun...
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You don't have to worry about finding a new model, She is beutiful and I love the color of her eyes.

I wonder who would get tired of seeing her face?

Great work!

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I like the picture.The one thing I would change would be getting the right eye fully in the picture.But maybe that is what you wanted.I still likeit!Ley your model know she's doing a great job!
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great composition. Striking, engaging and pretty. Good use of colour and just really nice work.
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your portfolio deserve 100/ 100 i really like portrait's and ur portrair's are the best, i have some portrait on my portfolio too and i will be happy if u check them too and tell me how can i prove my portfolio's and make them better as it is. tanx
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Tamara, How can we ever get sick of this face? It's an intriguing and beautiful face! Please don't replace this model. Give her a raise so she'll keep coming back:) You have a great portfolio. Well done. I hope to learn to shoot some portraits some day.
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well tamara, don't worry i can just say the same as everybody does, this face is so beautiful or the way the photo was taken or the combination...just continue doing what you are doing, its very nice!!! and thats not a self portrait??? i thought thats you?
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It's mesmerizing! The pastels are beautiful and so is your model. I love your lighting and the strikingly blue eyes. You have a real gift.
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i love your strong diagonal lines... (1) your eyes lined down to left, (2) nose to mouth lined down to right with hair on left moving same direction.


The skin tones (IMHO) are a bit "pasty" or too white... I'd like to see it a bit darker..more strong contrast. Although the lightness (as with BW photos) reduces the "blemmishes" on the skin. Course another way to do this is to use Photoshop 7 and use the Healing Brush to fix the skin.


NE WAYs...

Those eyes are sooo captivating and beautifully glazed Tamara. Your skill and beauty are a great pair. Keep up the great work! :oP


Brian Hernandez, owner

Vizual Graphix

www.vizualgraphix.com (still working on it)


here's a sample.. I cleaned up the "blemmishes" (hard to pick out on this beautiful woman) and darkened the skin a touch...

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Tamara, your pictures [all of them] are simply stunning. I look forward to seeing more [with this model too]
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I like the way you cropped the picture. Some photographers would not have dared cropped this close, but it seemed to work splendidly for this photo. Great picture.
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This is one your portraits that I like the most. It's very natural and very well composed! Not easy when you are doing self-portraits :) So, congratulations! You are doing an amazing job!
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the other day I had to give a presentation in front of a administration class, so I have a lot of your pictures Miss Loncar in my portable pc, so Right before I started my screen saver kicked in showing pictures from this site but mainly yours....litle to say that the did not alow me to stop the sceen saver...they loved this image in particular..So I told them were they could see the rest of your portfolio..


Imagine...An administration class a half world away from you..was praising your work :)


Good Work!


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