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5.6 1/250 Late afternoon

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BecKa is certainly a pretty girl with a lovely smile! I like her warm skin tone. Great lighting. The background is nicely out of focus and neutral in tones. She is well separated from the background. Her make-up looks very good.

The composition looks good, but with a vertical subject I would consider a vertical format. There really isn't anything to her left and right that adds much to the image.

You are quite close to cropping her right arm at her wrist. Be careful of cropping at a joint. It can make her look like an amputee. At any rate, the line of the waist of her jeans is bothersome. The viewer's eyes will go to the right (her left) side of her jeans and follow the diagonal line of her waist down and out of the picture. It would be better to crop down and show all of her jeans. This would help keep the viewer's eyes within the picture. This would also allow you to include her right hand in the picture -- removing the somewhat awkward crop of her right arm. Of course, you could just crop in closer, but you would have to crop out her left hand which is kind of interesting. So... maybe better better to include more at the bottom.

Her eyes are just a smidgen on the dark side. It would be good to add a little light to them. She has a very nice catchlight in her right eye. I wish the catchlight in her left eye was more pronounced.

She gets very high marks in the cutie department.

NIce shot, 


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Mark,  Thanks for you helpful analysis.  I screwed up on her left arm.  I was shooting quickly because this was a point where the sun just barely came out and I knew it was going back in - long story short, the right hand was slightly pulling down on the shorts and was very attractive, but I missed it.  I flat out missed it.  So I cropped because I actually cut of some of her fingers on my original image. 


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