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HDR toning of a single exposure;
Exposure Time: 10s;
FNumber: f/22;
ISOSpeedRatings: ISO 200;
FocalLength: 22.0 mm

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It's all so uniformly bright that, to me, much of the character has been lost.  However, if this is only about technique, then I'm not sure what I can add.  It just depends on why you made the photo the way you did, and I have no insight into that.

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While executed correctly, the result of your HDR process appears excessively flat. In my opinion (subjective, of course) this image without an additional manipulation it will remain an nice exercise.

What about a B/W version? After playing for minutes with different B/W conversions, I came down to the one attached - it looks like some sort of lithography (not necessarily intended as such). Being so flat, other nice digital manipulations can be tried maybe with much better results than mine. The possibilities are endless.

Otherwise, a very good composition that deserves more.

Thank you for sharing!

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After playing more with the color version, a watercolor filter may produce an interesting result.

Just one more idea to try :-)


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Thanks all, for the feedback! Appreciate your time!

Stephen: This image was made after the sun went down, so there were no strong shadows to begin with. But there was some great colors in the sky and on the vertical fence posts due to reflected light. To add to that, the HDR processing of a "single" image has resulted in uniform brightness. To tell the truth, I wasn't really satisfied with the result and was looking on some advise on how to make it better. I knew this would be better in a BW version (I post an image here) but the colors in the sky were too good not to give it a shot on the color version.

Joscelyn: Thanks, your version looks better than mine!

Stefan: I thought about a BW version. In fact, I had a slightly different composition from the same evening. Take a look here. The watercolor versions look interesting too, thanks!

Here goes my BW version! Please let me know what you think!

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Raghuveer, I think your B&W version is fine, but I agree with you that the color is nice and would be good to retain.  You have nice pink in the sky, green and yellow in the grass, and an orange in the fence posts.  It would be interesting to see the single original; I'm not convinced that HDR was needed if the sun had already set.  Perhaps a digital GND filter and a blend of two layers would have been sufficient (and easier).

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