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Our response to Alaska's policy of killing grizzly bears


"Every day in October trophy hunters in Alaska are killing bears that have learned to trust humans. The bears are visited by photographers and tourists - until October 1st. Then the hunters come. And it's all on Federal Land. Is "Fair Chase" dead in Alaska" / Alaska Wildlife Alliance_____While there is no hunting in Katmai National Park, if bears wander outside of the park boundaries they can be shot.

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"Every day in October trophy hunters in Alaska are killing bears that

have learned to trust humans. The bears are visited by photographers

and tourists - until October 1st. Then the hunters come. And it's all on

Federal Land. Is "Fair Chase" dead in Alaska" / Alaska Wildlife

Alliance_____ While there is no hunting in Katmai National Park, if

bears wander outside of the park boundaries they can be shot.

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I completely agree that the slaughter of these majestic creatures is a tragic way to boost one's manhood!  However, as a group, I am also reminded that hunters are some of the most fervent conservationists around.  It seems like an oxymoron, but their determination for a just cause keeps people like me off their back.  I guess someone has to keep them in check, thanks for caring!

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"hunters are some of the most fervent conservationists around."


So they seek out the weaker of the gene pool and specifically avoid the magnificent stronger and resilient trophy animals then?

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Love this wildlife photo, it is well timed, with nice color and says something about these bears, especially when combined with the informative message.

We have bear hunts in New Jersey to cull the Black Bear population that ironically has become a "nuisance" to our state. Other than to eat I am not sure why we must always solve every problem in nature by killing.

While I do agree with Jeff that many hunters are staunch conservationists (many are great friends of mine) I have to agree with John as well.

In New Jersey the hunt has kill limits per hunter and size requirements. In other words hunters are taking great pains to ensure that they shoot the largest and strongest black bears. In turn it is has been shown by many a biologist that this hurts the species but that doesn't stop the state from marketing this one as a conservation effort.

Anyway, nice photo with a message.

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Sharp. detailed, with creamy background and a touch of color diversity! Beautiful shot Roman, regards from Greece!

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I certainly never said that they weed out the weak or dying, but their monetary contributions and legislative numbers help preserve a lot of the nature that is left.  

That said, I am not a hunter or fisherman because I, too, don't believe in killing what I protect.  However, we are all a part of this ecosystem, which means we are all guilty of some infraction against the wild, whether it is killing a majestic bear, choosing plastic instead of recyclable bags, or the felling of trees to build your house.  Hunting does connect many with nature who might otherwise be indifferent urbanites.  

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