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Red Cross - redesigned 07


Recorded in 3:2-mode. Available light only for testing purposes. Shifted white balance. To be continued...

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Fine Art

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I've always enjoyed the lack of symmetry. I do like the positioning of the model. Perfect natural light... Keep up.
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Hi there!


Hi there! The pics you will find in this folder are excerpts of a

test series. We plan to shoot this again with pro lighting and make-

up in about 3 weeks. We need your comments on the style of the pic as

well as of the costume cause we designed it ourselves. These pics

were shot with available light only, white balance was shifted

towards a blueish green during the shooting. No other manipulations

except cropping on some of them. So do us a favour: do not just

download but be helpful with an expression of your opinion. Rating

and/or commenting would be just fine... Thanx in advance,

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aw! this one is the best so far. interesting viewpoint and caught in the move ... a little light on the face would have been good, but anyway ...
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This picture works. The series works. The concept works. Don't light it. It's lit perfectly now. If you're going to shoot with same model in same space with same / similar outfit - just do it. Don't overdo it. Groovin' on this angle from floor level. Maybe you could add a Dr. in all white sort of ghosting through, but not still, with a big flapping open white coat and stethescope? Put the model (or models) through their paces - lots of stuff you can work with here. go nuts and maybe different outfits? unless you're doing tighter shots, make-up won't help a shot like this (though sometimes it makes the models feel better ; )... like this shot very much. Rene's endorsement should be good enough to tell you that you're in the big leagues.
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Guest Guest


For me this one is far above the level of the others in the folder (at least those that are in the folder now). The other look too paused and too obvious. So she's wearing this funny costume, but if it's the only difference between your pictures and normal model pictures, well you pictures are then almost just normal model pictures...


This one is mysterious in a way. We don't know what she's doing there, we don't know if she's pausing or just walking by (trying to walk by? although it seems obvious she doesn't need the crutches). The colors are nice. Maybe some more white on her to make the whites of the costume stand better against the greenish background tone. Then if her legs wouldn't be green, that would be nice too. So maybe you do need some light if you want to make it really good...


Interesting work.

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The crutches put a relevance on the plastic limbs that is a perfect contrast to the sensuality of the subject. The fiction (I hope) is the sexual attractiveness (or repulsiveness) of this person (or her image), even though she has plastic legs and (I think in some pictures) plastic arms. A great contrast that takes this image from the sexy-only catagory into much deeper waters. The print will probably strike most viewers much differently than the on-line experience. Great stuff, what is the intended end use?... t

The airborne gesture adds even more contradiction. She's on crutches, but seems very light on her feet. Wierd/scary and cool/disturbing in a sexy/crazy way.

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love the low angle you used...adds much to her distressing red crutches..matching coloures work well...conmtrast in the only two dominent coloures brings out the best in both...not seeing her face for some reason adds to her distress/helplessness
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Oliver, i can't believe that magic you made with your SONY, looks like high quality medium format.

It´s strange that i comment or rate glamour photography but this image worth it. Congratulations.

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It looks like you just happened to have this costume and happened to be in this warehouse. She seems way out of place. Great shot, though.
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