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Emmanuel Enyinwa

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This is one of those images where the limitation of equipment makes it

difficult to realize the image you visualize. This shot was taken with

the woman walking directly at me. I saw it from a distance off as she

walked just slightly ahead of the throng before her. Everything seemed

to click here; her white dress, sunglasses, the dark clothes of the

pursuers, like a scene from a film noir. I wish I had my 1D MkII for

this shot, as the little Digital Rebel does not have the burst I would

have preferred to capture those subtleties one desires in a situation

like this. To make matter worse, the rinky dink plastic zoom lens I

had, the Canon EFS 55-250 without an ultrasonic motor would not have

latched on to her had I shot it raw, and I'm often forced to shoot

scenes like this on jpeg setting for sport, which does focus, but

gives such piss poor color fidelity and dynamic range, especially for

a subject wearing white. Also, the minimum fstop is 4.0, which on a

zoom lens that long simply compresses everything so there is no

blurring of the background. All in all, a decent pitcure that could

have been so much better. Sigh.

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You have an astonishing beautiful portfolio. Even if this picture could be a litle bit less than you expect from yourself, you have still done a good job with this one.

Kind regards



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nice street shot. just wondering how shooting in raw vs jpeg can affect the focus performance of the camera though?

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I wish I knew, but for some reason, when I set this camera to Manual, the autofocus of the lens does not work. I was forced to focus the butterfly images in poor light because the AF just kept spinning the lens and would never lock into the butterfly. I was not satisfied with the results and therefore now shoot all moving things in jpeg. I should be getting my 1D back in about a week. I had to replace the shutter, an expensive undertaking. The owner of the shop graciously gave me his Digital Rebel and lens.

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I understand that the street capture like this one is not easy for the photographer but you did a remarkable job with having the lady into the move and captured her in a superb form within the frame work, your lighting here is superb and so the details obtained are very fine, the people on the back ground do present the sense of the street atmosphere remarkably and do enhances your ell thought off composition.

Thank you for sharing it and wishing you all of the best.

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It is always healthy to be critical and think that you could have done better and how you might change it next time................

but at least you were out there and captured a fine shot. I like the colours and composition which really works for me as it is a nice moment on Columbus. The day we stop being critical of our photos is the day to stop shooting and do something else. Look forward to more of your excellent shots best wishes William

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Great street picture.  She is out ahead of the pack.  I like the way she is the only one smiling in the picture and seems to be the only one in the sun.

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To me the technical quality of the shot is ok. I know what you mean about missing the shallow DOF of a large aperture lens, but this really is OK. I generally like the image. The only thing that bugs me is that I'd like to see more above and below the frame so that her feet aren't cut off or the heads of the row of people in the background.

You wrote something about shooting RAW slowing you down. I'm guessing you mean that it takes a lot longer for the camera to write a RAW file to the card than a jpeg and that cuts your shooting speed rate. You might consider shooting max quality jpegs and no RAW if you need to take a lot of shots in a hurry. Actually if you're not doing much processing of your images large jpegs are not bad, although I can emphesize with you wanting to shoot RAW. I used to shoot only jpegs and after shooting RAW for a couple of years I tried jpegs only again, but I did not like the lack of choice in how the images looked.

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Here's a rough version of my suggested crop. BTW, of course you can't reshoot this exact moment, but you might in the future shoot a little larger frame than you think you might want and crop it later.

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Love the comment. As far as the shoes go, this was a sequence of shots. I'll try to upload the earlier shots in the sequence. I will say, though, that I would rather leave the image as is than clone legs into her, as there is something a bit unnatural about the legs. But, thanks so much for the interest and effort you have put into the image. It was one of those things. If I had a wider angle lens, I would have gotten her head and feet, and if I had taken it a second earlier, I'll get everything, but she would still be in the shadows and I'll lose the nice separation she has from the pack. She was in lockstep with them, but once she saw the camera, she instinctively quickened her step and surprised me a bit by almost running me over. Everything had to be done in a split second. Had she been a 6-8 angry amazon, she might have made me a nice Digital Rebel sandwich.

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