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Nice composition with great curves. I image to see some halos here and there, or is it just sunlight and shadows? Anyway, the colors seem a little flat, unfortunately.


Kind regards, Alex

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Thanks Alexander, I'd be surprised if you can find halos but I am very tired. The colour is as it is because it was raining and sleeting. I don't do saturation for this sort of image. I wanted to capture the day as it was.

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Hi Jeff, I meant halos occuring from too much post-procession. Similar pattern occur when I apply the filter "clarify" too often to my pictures. But you already pointed out that the image is more or less directly out of the camera, so it must be the rain causing this effect.


Presenting pictures "as it was" is quite tricky, because if you have a digital SLR then the internal software / firmware may automatically increase / decrease saturation. But if this picture looks like what you have seen that day then it will be okay. :-)


Kind regards,


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Alexander, what I mean by 'as it was' is as I saw it on the day. I don't shoot JPG, my camera can't shoot it even if I wanted to. Any image that I post has been through Phocus and Photoshop.

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Jeff, I really like this image, I like the real life unsaturated state. To me it shows the scene as described in your comments. The landscape is really well composed and the smoke on the hill provides me with context. Well done. cheers Richard 6
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Hi Jeff, this looks like smoking Painted hills or glacial Tuscany... The melted partial snow bridge shows the power of the hot water that presumably made its way underneath a solid snow layer. A rough landscape that might be very tricky to walk around. Enjoyable textures and curves. Good shot. No suggestions.

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Thanks for the feedback, folks. What looks like smoke in the BG is steam. When you see the real image, there is some wonderful scalloping under the snow.

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What a raw, primitive, dramatic landscape -- fire and ice changing the contours of the land.  This photo captures the essence of the place.

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Everything else aside, it is very freaky and marvelous that that fractured winter ice remains suspended above the now receded river... how cool is that!?

The composition here is solid with all those winding curves pulling me inward and upward. The foreground and background catching different light adds to the sense of depth and gives nice separation. The wisps of steam drifting in the same line as the roll of the hills is a nice bit of luck. Love the colours. You came home with a lot of keepers.




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Thanks Gordon, this image really screamed out to be taken. There is beautiful scalloping under the ice which is a bonus. There was rain and sleet about at the time so the light was soft which was another little bit of help.

I'm surprised by the number of keepers from this trip. I had a very productive week. I got well over 100 keepers from the aerials alone. This is way above my normal hit rate.

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