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Another apparent piece of crap


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Given the rapturous reception my last shot got, an aerial is likely to go the

same way. Anyway, please feel free to comment. This may well be my

last critique submission.

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Chill man.  I don't know what it is, looks like an arial waterfall, I certainly do like it.


I can't offer up much of a critique, since I don't know what it was.  You might have catagorized this as abstract.  People in the landscape catagoreis want a well defined picture (I know, my IR shots are routinely panned because they are different).

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I think this is the edge of a basalt lava flow (or basaltic-based sand dunes?) next to a body of water (river?), I don't know?  What I do know is that it is incredibly fetching and really catches the eye!  I'm so jealous that you have either just completed a trip to Iceland, or are still there.  What an amazing country it seems to be and the landscapes are nothing short of spectacular.  This particular image is a real piece of eye-candy, and is very much an abstract work of art.  Brilliant composition in the vertical orientation and a crazy-cool color palette.

Jeff, don't worry much about what the masses think here, you'll just make yourself crazy.  No worries!  Just continue making your photographs, and keep blessing us with your postings.  I for one, very much appreciate the quality of your work.  Cheers, and safe travels, my friend!  Cheers!  Chris

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Is this an aerial of teh Muray basin, looks like an aerial of some river system.

I really like it, it reminds me of some of the aboriginal abstracts,


Well done, very unique.

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Wonderful image, i love the abstract character of this shot.  The colors and the sinuous shapes are very pleasant and give this image a nice relaxing feel.  Just beautiful work.  Regards - michel

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This is really, really cool!  I love the colors, texture and the way the silt laden water is hugging the shoreline as it flows into the larger, clearer body of water to the left...at least that's what it looks like to me.  Well done!

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I am with everyone else. I don't know for sure what it is, but it has great qualities as an abstract image.

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This is an outstanding creation. It doesn't really matter what the subject is, the image itself is a true beauty. The colors are fantastic and the composition, especially the curve that flows from the top to bottom, is awesome! (7)

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It is a question mark. A streight landscape photo which we perceive as abstract? A phenomenal view that most of us would even not apprehend when we were there because our brain would turn it into something more familiar. You sow it and captured it with all its subtilities. Keep shooting, keep posting. Best wishes. Karl

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an interesting photo for sure. in fact it doesnt matter what it is. well seen, it is a very good abstract. best regards!

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An extraordinary landscape, Jeff. I have seen many images from Iceland, but very few aerial shots and this one stands out. I like the green glow contrasting with the grey areas on the ground and the dark (deep ?) places in the water. Can you give us more information on how you got this wonderful image and what it depicts ? Good to see this on the top of the TRP. Best regards. Peter

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Thanks to you all for the very positive reception that you have given this image. I was heartily pissed off with the ratings on my other shot. I struggle with why people rate stuff they don't like without comment. I gain nothing from it. I never rate but often comment.


This was taken from a helicopter. It shows a river delta with the merging of wild colours typical of a volatile location such as Iceland. I have quite a few more like this which I will post in due course.

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in my eyes it could be something that's created in post processing. but i presume that it's presented as it came from the camera. processing isn't my cup of tea and i fancy more the real deal. and what it comes to this shot, mostly i like the clarity of the form and the color scheme. so in my eyes it's something that i would personally be very proud if it would be mine. not that i will ever achieve this level but still... shortly said, it's rather cool shot.


cheers t

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well ok Jeff, i rated this shot quite a bit lower than most others judging from the current rating, i did so because; at first glance of the shot i was confused as to what i was looking at, i then deduced that the shot was an arial shot but still it did nothing visually for me, i can appreciate the technical aspects as shown but overall it leaves me with a flat feeling

sincerly mick g

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Jeff, the helicopter tour really made a difference on your trip.  It's a perspective that just can't be captured any other way, and the resulting images are really unique.  I can see the landforms, but from this height they have a very abstract look; knowing this is a different view of the natural landscape make it greatly interesting to me.

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Thanks for the feedback folks.

Mick, I really appreciate that you take the time to let me know why you don't like the image. Images like this are a 'like or hate proposition', I think. I can't remember a low rater ever doing me the courtesy of saying why.

Steve, the helicopter was a magic experience. It made an otherwise excellent experience truly unforgettable. The view from the air was stunning.

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Jeff, I typically prefer portraits but this interests me none the less...probably due to the gradation in tones/textures...it is difficult to tell for sure what it is, but I suspect from the other images in this folder it is a lava flow...or where a lava flow meets the water??...it has a cool fine art feel.  I hear you with regards to ratings...don't see much use in it...I'd much rather receive/provide a meaningful comment.  Regards.  Jeff.

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Thanks Jeff. This is a river delta aerial from Iceland. The colours are quite unreal. I'll post a few more from this morning soon.

As for the ratings, I wouldn't bother except that it is still the way to be exposed to the widest audience on PN. Mostly, it doesn't bother me but I was exhausted and sick when I posted this.

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It's a beautiful image, due to the composition and it viewpoint, its amazing this fat perspective that the image has... remind me of the images taken by Yann Arthus-Bertrand in his book: "Earth From Above" .My congrats,is not easy task to take this kind of images from an helicopter .Best regards

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I like this a lot, in fact I like the whole series. This image is pleasingly surreal and I enjoy your composition. The color palette is nice too.

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Gorgeous Jeff. Love the colour palette and the granular texture of the surfaces that you have captured here (not to mention the hardware you captured it with).

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