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Hearts Connected - (View Larger)

Img_6759_09_08_2011 - DIG ALT - Canon EOS Rebel T3iShutter Speed 1/40 secExposure Program NormalF Stop f/2.8Aperature Value f/2.8ISO SPEED 800Focal Length 100 mmFlash Did Not FireCompulsory FlashSuppression (2)Lens EF S 100mm F2.8 Macro USMMetering Mode Pattern

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Our memory is always soft and we need time to time some think to refresh it...  You will enjoy this work for years to come!




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I think in part what's in this image is a reflection of you.

Come to think of it, that's true for all of us artists/photographers and our creations. Duh on me.  How could that not be true?

Anyway, I like the composition and pose and the processing. The frame seems a little heavy for my tastes, but it's a nice image.

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Yes you are so right, even as our eyes will grow dim, our memories will shine on for quite some time,

Thankyou for your kind words Grigoriy,

Most sincerely, Gail

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Thankyou for sharing your thoughts Chuck, always enjoy hearing your input.  I actually had a totally different frame picked out but changed at last minute. So many people get better reviews with the dark frames. Perhaps I should have gone with my heart....but that doesn't always make everyone happy either.  But in the BIG PICTURE.........what does the frame matter anyways.

Little ol' me on this great big Photo Site.....

You can disappear pretty quickly..........

Kindest regards, Gail

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Thankyou for sharing your thoughts Vlad. I do like your choice of color, very becoming. I was tempted to try for black and white, but not too well versed in that yet.

Talk again soon, Gail

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You know , after the summer laziness , vacations, lots of pending issues, I had neglected PN for a while, and now the first image I browse is this one.

First things first: it is imposible for me to look at a picture of yours -especially when persons are involved- without a good look at the accompanying comment.               Usually they are soul deposits, the bank interest of which is distributed abundantly to all of us .            The pictorial part ,most of the times, cannot live on its own without these cathartic confessions . Perhaps this is the way you want  it to be.           I'm with you on this.        If I am hesitant to do it more often and more extensively with my own stuff is merely because , to my knowledge, most people are rapid image consumers without any foreplay , i.e explanations , thoughts, perspectives concerning the uploaded image. Therefore I am deeply touched by any text you array in front of us , (and as I see it happens to others also), are equally as strong as the images themselves........

On this particular one, apart from the flooding emotions that emerge from every pixel of it, there is a compositional virtue that is to be mentioned and you to be complimented about : the eyes axis of your daughter and your grandson  are exactly at 45 degrees ratio to the corresponding  corner diagonal and completely parallel to each other. This gives the image an extra imposing power that is a surplus to the affection depicted.

Editing? I usually don't stick to technicalities because I feel they drain a photo's juices. Next year -normally - we 'll  be better in handling editing issues and after two years even more....and so goes on. I have the strong feeling that this extra  gained  experience often works against the spondaneosity of many good-otherwise-images, deminishing compositional  and  expressive inherited virtues. You were restricted to a minimal editing , focusing to the desired for the occasion softness, permitting thus the communication between sitters and viewers work fluently. 

Warm regards and a hug! Chris 


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Excellent composition, I like the family atmosphere. The photograph is an excellent way to convey emotions and feelings. Congratulations.

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Hey Gail,

Clearly your natural artistic talents are blossoming. I'm glad that you finally found the medium to let the world know about your abilities. Cheers.

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It's so nice to hear from you, hope all is well at the 'ESTATE' and your Internet Woes are far behind you - AND - the that the summer storms have  not affected you and yours too badly. Wierd weather!! But sure has been great for the summer corn. Dad picked some up for us yesterday (Peaches and Cream) and was unbelievably sweet. But I do feel for the farmers who've been suffering due to the dryness.....and then all of a sudden we have storm after storm, terential downpours and powerful winds. Every summer is different isn't it?

Thankyou for that very fine critique, and of course I would not be HERE if it were not for you. You 'stood your ground' and made sure I would eventually 'POST' and you were quite patient about it.....until I think I recall an EMAIL that made me feel 'I'd better JUMP.....and one of two things would happen...I would SINK....or I just might SWIM'. You knew I wouldn't SINK.....and you KNEW what a great feeling of 'accomplishment' I would have when my photos began to be critiqued and others liked them. This actually has changed my life and the way I think about myself. (and you knew that would happen also). So Professor Pichnej, I do miss (believe it or not) the 'constant rattling of my CHAINS'. You've been a great friend and mentor, you saw a 'spec' of potential, tolerated my incessant questions, and when you didn't, certainly let me know, and RTFM is still the 'rule of thumb' to this day. I just mentioned it to Jim the other day, would have saved me many frustrating times with my camera. I do not know what I would do without this 'medium' in my life. Everytime I   look at this shot of Shauna and Kael, even though she still remains in a precarious life situation, the beauty and clam on her face, calms me. The love in their eyes, at times almost makes me weep. But that is a very good thing!

So, in closing, stay safe, wield that axe carefully, I hope you get some lovely shots of those beautiful loons, (I haven't heard a loon in ages....sure do miss that mournful, haunting, sound).....and enjoy every quiet morning sunrise and mist that you can. The CNE is starting today, whenever I hear that I know summer is winding down. It has passed far too quickly, and makes me realise more and more how we have to make the 'very best' of every minute of each day. Say hi to Jo for me, and hey you!!! I think you should be having a 'Happy Birthday' any day now.......Cheers my good friend!

Sincerely, Gail

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So very nice to hear from you! I think you are allowed 'excuses' for enjoying the summer, who wants to spend every 'spare' minute on the computer, unless that is what they enjoy best. There are sunrises and sunsets to be 'consumed'. Fine dinners accompanied but some fine wine along with it would also be delightful. And living where you do, although the political climate has not been so good, it seems much of the world is suffering the same. So if you live in Greece I would take in every 'beautiful' moment I could. It is a country I do so want to visit, so far it is not looking possible, but one never knows for sure.

During these times of uncertainty, it seems to me, we have no choice but to make the best of 'all the seconds' we are blessed with each day. They are a gift and we are responsible for each one. I am trying my best to fill them with 'positive and good pursuits'. Although being human, I do falter, but the INTENTION is certainly there.

I am honoured that my photo is the one you first saw, and I am humbled by your response. You see me for who I am, and that being said, I may not always go about things as others would, that could be good, or perhaps not. But what do I have to loose by my honesty? I am just a 'teeny, weeny, lil'l bit' in this big world. It is honest and open hearted responses such as  yours, that make me feel alive.

I think of my dear Mother who is as you know, gone just about 4 1/2 mos. I know there are so many things I have inside, that I realize that I had yet to say and share with her. And It makes me further realize that there was so much more life yet to live if she could have, and 'words' that she had not yet said, and love that she had  yet to 'express'. In hindsight I see that nearing the end, she was 'desperately' trying her best in her 'good moments' to say what she needed to say. It is a 'life lesson' for me. I hope that in what time remaining  I am blessed with, that I will not say a cruel word, or disparage ANY soul along the way. To be any different would be robbing myself of 'positive energy and converting it into negative energy'..........and to what end? Hurting my ownself, and how 'shameful' that would indeed be.

You SAW what even I did not see in this IMAGE.

The ALIGNMENT OF THE EYES ! I think perhaps I saw it, with the thought of how 'balanced' the image appeared to me......LOVE is what I received when viewing, and perhaps that 'emotion' did not allow me at the time (until now), to truly SEE the 'axis' and 'parallel' lines that the EYES are on. This was not planned, this shot was taken between seconds of Shauna and the two children bouncing about on the bed. I didn't use a tripod, I'd had my Macro lens on from the day before, and didn't make any special adjustments to the camera, or I wouldn't have gotten any decent shots at all. For this one, I was crammed up against my bedroom wall and window, thinking I wouldn't fit them in at all!

So in closing dear Chris, you have done my 'heart' good in your response, and I do so wish you a wonderful remainder of your summer. Enjoy every moment, and 'visit' when you can. It is always a 'joy' to hear from you.

My very best to you and yours  .............as my dear cousin says, 'tight lines'.........and from me..........good sailing! Warm regards, Gail 

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Hello dear Vincente, and how good it is to hear from you. Your kind words and thoughts shared are most appreciated, as is your 'thought' to visit and express just that.

Thankyou for your encouragement and support, most sincerely, Gail

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You say your kind words with a smile on your face, and you share them with me in such an encouraging and supportive way. I do appreciate and enjoy hearing from you,

Kindness always, Gail

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