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Burnaby Mountain Ainu Sculptures - 1


s-1/1000, f-3.2, fL-35mm, ISO-Unk

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This is a large scene, covering a bowl-like depression in the side of a hill.

This is stitched image (4 frames), spaning about 180 degrees of view (about a 15mm equivalent). The feedback I am looking for here is stitching "style". With the software I use, there are two options (which it bases on whether the camera was rotated or panned over the scene), and this gives slightly different effects.

One view will be "flat", with the vertical lines remaining vertical. The other gives the traditional fish-eye lens look (this one is the fish-eye look), where the sides curve in slightly, and so the verticals start to point inwards, the distortion increasing towards the sides of the resulting frame.

image-display?photo_id=1503931&size=smThe other image/link (the "flat one") is shown at left for comparison. I'm curious if there is any sort of general preference in these kinds of shots. Is the fish-eye effect preferred by people? (and do we prefer it simply because we are used to seeing it from fish-eye lenses?)

(some might just say "go out and buy yourself a 15mm lens" ... but I'm a poor photographer (haven't quit that day job yet :-) ) and can't afford the $1200+ for that lens)

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The cropping of this photo is such that the curvature of the subject does not appear in the centre of the frame. This is distracting. I also feel an imbalance when looking at it. I wonder if there was another angle you could have taken this from? Sorry if I appear to harsh. Please feel free to critique any of my photos!
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I think I like the vertical one better. This one feels sort of like one of those tilt houses at a carnival, where you can't quite get your balance. If the left side looked as curved in as the right it might work. But I do like the vertical one, I think it's a nice effect.
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yeah, the right side curves more because it's the steeper part of the hill (you're looking down into a hollow on the side of a hill). The left side's slope is much gentler than the right. Maybe if i moved more to the right and shot straight into the steeper portion ... will have to try that next time I'm up there :-)
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