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This is the Beethovenhaus in Vienna where the great composer wrote his 4th, 5th & 7th symphonies, 4th piano concerto, late string quartets and some other stuff. (He lived on the top floor, 4th windows from left, one of which is open.) I could say this image represents the immortality of his spirit; his music stretching down the corridor of time and into eternity. But actually, I just thought this inner courtyard would make a good subject for a Photoshop montage illustrating an infinite regress. Although I like to think about the sound of his piano coming out of that window, forming such great music for the very first time and still resonating with us today, 200 years later.
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It appears that a lot of thought and effort has gone into producing this image.

I'm rather partial to Beethoven's works (his 5th piano concerto is one of my favourites - I have a recording featuring Arthur Rubinstein), but I suppose that is not allowed to sway me in evaluating your efforts here.

I certainly like the idea (and the title you chose - "Infinitude" as in étude?) and will confess that I have no idea how long this might have taken to put together in Photoshop. The concept of infinity does come across and I find it fascinating to look at all those windows converging into the distance.

The only thing that I find a little disconcerting, is that my eye keeps coming back to the the center-left of this image (the brightest part) and makes me examine the angle(s) of those diagonal shadows from what would have been the natural light at Beethovenhaus in Vienna.

I like this quite a lot, but just that one element kept me from thinking that this is 'Very Good', from an aesthetic point of view.

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This is a little disappointing, I had hoped that you would have received more feedback on this upload. Returning for another look, for some reason "Dr Who" came to my mind the other day, when looking at this image. Probably just me...
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(-: Yes, I'll have to upload another version with a phone box spinning in the centre of this image... But don't worry about how quiet it is here, Pete. I'm a patient fellow. I just haven't had the time or energy lately to court reciprocal ratings or comments from the PN community. It's hard work for anyone trying to be the centre of attention in this place... No, I'm happy to let these pics just sit here for unsuspecting passers-by to stumble upon. Perhaps they'll linger for a moment, before seeking greener pastures, perhaps not. Still, I appreciate your return visit; but as usual, the party seems to happening elsewhere...
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image, Trevor. I do suffer from acrophobia and hence I am really glad to note that I am looking up at the top floor (and something to aspire for) and not down at a bottomless pit. Carefully composed, which I like.
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Very good effect with the choice of the perspective. the strong central view is here perfect!



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(-: I need more friends like you on PN, Peter... Sadly, if irony was your intention, I suspect it will be lost on those it's aimed at.
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Guest Guest


My apologies Trevor for not seeing this sooner. Its exceptional work, especially in attaining the symmetry you did. I like looking down an endless tunnel. Personally, I had Logan's Run in mind, not Dr. Who. What I want to know is how you took the shot without getting dizzy. I would have cracked my head on the floor falling backward if it had been me taking the shot. Great work.
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Here I am, an unsuspecting passerby... awed by the image and your commentary on it.

GREAT lighting, color, perspective and story. Thanks for sharing.

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Yes, irony was my intention and I knew it wouldn't be lost on you, because you are one of the few real critics at photo.net and I feel privileged that you have passed through my portfolio on numerous ocassions. In this instance, I was hoping to attract some other viewers, here. Sometimes I get the impression that some are following my comments - which is fine by me.

Truth is, I still like "Infinitude" a lot and haven't grown tired of looking at it myself...As they say, best viewed Large!

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Had me fooled . . . . Did you lighten each 'level' as you went up? I notice the top center shadow line was muted in the next level . . . good idea.
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haha, at first glance i thought incredibly stupid modern architecture, where's the light (supposed to) come from?

then i read vienna and, no way, we don't have something like this ; )

at second glance just the repeating and cut shadow gives it away... and maybe it should get either lighter or darker in the distance, but we could argue with the infinity thought here...

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What I find interesting is the age of the structure in question. At first glance, this building looked like it was built recently, and made to look techy in a brushed steel/tinted windows look.


I imagined this being taken from the top, downwards, with the lightest part being street level or a lobby. Weird illusions!


It's a very effective image to me. I wouldn't rate it, personally, because I don't know how to rate it. :)


Cool! :)

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Thanks to all the latecomers for paying this pic a visit. Your comments are much appreciated. In response to Carl & Mr Wounds, I did lighten each level as I went 'up' to try and improve the realism of the illusion. Laura, if you're not sure how to rate this shot just slap on a couple of 7's according to Photo.net tradition, and we'll say no more about it...;-)
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I did lighten each level as I went 'up' to try and improve the realism of the illusion

Very smart, for sure. I like the result also.

Just for the sake of more PS experimentation... Have your tried a B&W version?

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I heard Peter say 'wow, incredible DOF 7/7' so I ran immediately over here to see what the fuss was about (ok I'm obscenely late but I only have little legs, and you haven't been reciprocal enough lately).

Seriously, this is a fantastic picture Trevor. Very cleverly done if I might say! There are some giveaway clues of course, as there always are in composites; the identical repetition of windows open, and the figure in the 2nd from bottom row (BLHC). Incidentally that figure is like a ghost, perhaps Beethoven went to the wrong apartment this night?

The lines, the light, the infinity, and the Beethoven story echoing through this chamber, all combine to make this a definite time/dimension travelling experience, so ALL HAIL TO DR WHO!!! Bring on the tardis, but please leave out the daleks.....

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