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© copyright by Lisa Holyk 2003 All rights reserved

Riding with the sunset


Hand held


© copyright by Lisa Holyk 2003 All rights reserved

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This spot is about 5 minutes walk from my house, so I plan on

returning. I plan on trying a red filter to tone down the sun. Any

other ideas?

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Looks like a great spot for shooting. I like the overall tonal effect, but if you want to use a red filter to tone the sun down, that might work as well. I really like the color here, though, so you might want to shoot both with and without the filter.


Since you said you're returning, I'll be picky. Move to the left to avoid the little branches poking in on the right side of the frame. Also, you have a lot of subjects crowded around the sun. I'd rather see the rider on the left side of the large palm; there's a great empty space that begs to be filled with something of that nature. Having the small palm backed by the sun also elimiates a lot of detail from it; the sun might work better between the small palm and the large palm (again, accomplished by moving to the left a bit).

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Thanks for the suggestions. I'll see what I can do. This is actually a break in the bushes (hence the branches, and to the left is a power pole. I was trying to give the rider space to ride into, but agree that there is just too much space to the left.
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