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@ bullfight - Merciless end


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I understand that this is hard to accept, but it's just reality, it is the way it is.

Everytime I saw bullfight photographs, they were only the more "innocent" ones (like cheating the bull, colors and so on), but never one of this kind.

How many of them have you seen of this kind?

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I know this one is hard to look at. But it is what's really going on

inside bullfights... And I want to show *also* that, cause is the

saddest part of this so called "sport" or "spectacle".


Let me know your thoughts about this one... Thanks and... sorry!

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I think this is a sad sport, and its ashame that this inocent animal has to go through this terrible ordeal. I think photographicaly its a well composed shot, and it is reality and a moment has been caught. We're really not here to be politically correct but to sharpen our skills as photographers whether we be pros or amateurs.


I would prefer to see the bull fighter with a bull horn stuck up his ass. Now that would be great shot. Nestor do us this favor and get a shot like this for us. I think we'd enjoy that a bit more.

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it's hard but that's real bullfighting. the matador is going to kill the torro. you photo is a good document on this last moment of the bull's life, not on the matador, who is going to kill the next. it's not a sport but a traditional game.

And there are more "game of life" in the world that are more bader.

the people who watch on it are not enjoying the killing but the action ( this fact you can critisise, but think about the billions on pigs an oxen in the

slaughterhouses dying "nameless" after a sad hoggish life)

good shot and a very intersting folder ( 7/7)!

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bull horn stuck up his ass would be an alternative and it happens sometimes!

the bull has an very little chance to succeed. anyway, after that success he has to die. :-(

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La Fotografia es una arte y la Fiesta de los Toros también. Es ridículo votar mal la foto por el hecho de estar en contra de la fiesta.

La escena de la puntilla está muy bien captada y refleja claramente el momento.

A mi me gusta mas el fútbol, pero es muy buena fotografía, Felicidades Nestor.

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I'm not certain what you are looking for here Nestor? Do you want us to say, hey man nice shot? I can't say that. I don't think I could make myself sit through this sort of event, even if I thought photographing it might be of some consequence. I understand this sort of thing goes on in other parts of the world, but seeing men participate in it while they plainly exhibit a hiked up basket in their glorified angelflights just doesn't do it for me. I'd rather watch a PBR event where the man is actually putting himself in a degree of danger.
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Well Nestor, to me you have shown the harsh reality of this sport. If I weren't anti-bullfighting already, I certainly would be on viewing this image. This would be an excellent photograph to use for campaign posters.

Oops I just read your comment above. Well there you go.... a campaign for sure... :D

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"Do you want us to say, hey man nice shot?"

There's a clear difference between a critique about the image itself and a simple flattering comment. To say "nice", aside of a lie for this case :-), is not useful. To say "well composed, but too contrasted" or "I would correct this or that", etc. is a photographic critique. Easy, uh?

PS: Just a comment that may deviate the discussion... You wrote: "I don't think I could make myself sit through this sort of event,"

Maybe... but we DO watch war through TV. We "like" to see thousands demonized but innocent people assasinated by weapons that made war very unpersonal. An many of the viewers are happy with that, "cause all that fucking arabian fundamentalists deserve that".

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Me pregunto si lo que quizá molesta es verse en el espejo... Después de todo esto es práctica habitual en tu país, no en el mío. ;-)
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I hit a dog once....It looked kinda like this.... I should have taken a picture of it!! T.Page
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No I didn't have fun and I'd never consider hitting dogs as a "sport." T.Page
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Then you are clever enough to understand the difference between such acts and the photograph itself.


I mean: in your case, maybe photographing the dog could have been a need for any practical reason, i.e. insurance or whatever.


Would be the right thing if anybody assume anything else about your intentions photographing the animal?

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Guest Guest


I have no problem with your photograph. It doesn't make me sick to look at and I have no problem with taking shots like this. I hope my original comment wasn't taken as being rude, I had read the comments from before and thought I'd add to it with a funny comment. I actually enjoy shots like these because it informs me about the world more than some crappy wedding photos. I thank you for posting this shot and would love to see more of your great shots. T.Page
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I never got back to this N. Sitting through this would be nothing like watching TV. And neither is it anything like war. In war there is a certain degree of fairness. Here you have two men, or even one, as the case may sometimes be, using a colored flag, and the animal's own turbulent emotions against him, while they stab him as he runs passed. To me that is hardly sporting.


I would like this if the man had the same horns, hell, they could even make them out of razor sharp knives, and NO color flags. Then let's see who had the advantage. Or how about 2 or 3 bulls at the same time?


Back to war for one more comment. In war the enemy fights back, with weapons that are comparable. This... this is more like terrorism.

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So you consider the hyper-technolpogized american army is fighting against a supossed "enemy", at the same level? What were they killing while droping tons and tons of bombs causing the already known "colateral effects"? Do you consider that fair?


I don't see ANY difference between the barbarity of this activity and the one of killing innocent people for whatever alleged reason. Oh, wait, there's a difference: in the war **people** is killed. Most americans (and english and spaniards and maybe some others out there), *support* that without saying a word against. And consuming the cold, mild, watered-down version of the real fact.


After all, maybe you're right: bullfight is real life; watching a distant war through TV isn´t.

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Hehe, someone asked to see a man with a horn stuck up is @#$...you have caused quite a stir, which of course means you have created an emotional image. The strength of photography is its documentary ability to capture truths without lying. Sometimes its hard to stomach the truth. Technically speaking it would be a better shot if you could have positioned yourself to isolate the bull and maybe a part of the lone matador against the wall, but its understandable that you might not be able to choose your position due to the nature of the sport. I can't ignore the comments not related to photography though... A bull can easily kill a man and it only seems so unfair because the skill of the matador makes it look easy. If there wasn't a chance the matador could get injured or killed the stands would be empty.

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"to isolate the bull and maybe a part of the lone matador against the wall,"


The point is that when this part comes, i.e. the end, the matador is never alone, there are usually three toreros arround the bull, the make it go backwards and then it is killed.


Thanks for posting that shot and comments.

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