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Kneeling nude


Nikon 950, halogen spot, no flash

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I love this shot. I think it is the intensity and mystery that this image evokes that really pulls me in. I feel scared for her when I look at this shot. The hard light comming through the door conjures up images of military interogations back in Nazi Germany. I have two comment/critiques/suggestions: it may have been even more effective on a cold concrete floor instead of the warmth that the wood floor provides. I would like to see more of the shape of the breast, the little part that we see (with the highlight) in this shot is distracting as is. I believe that it would be more effective if we either saw more of the breast or none at all. You did an awesome job on this. I'm curious what your thought processes were when you were setting up this shot. What was reeling through your mind? What kind of feelings were you hoping to invoke in the viewer?
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Frankly, I tend to think about line/form first, so I was thinking of the way the light would outline the left side of my body. In terms of the symbolism, I am influenced by having been raised as (very) Catholic. So I think that played a part, with the kneeling...also I thought about someone who is in a emotional transition of some kind. You know, the door slowly opening, the light on the other side.
In a more whimsical, pop culture kind of way, it also reminds me of the X-files. Either an alien or the Cigarette Smoking man should be on the other side of that door. Or both.
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Did you shoot this after your Pool/Fireplace portfolio? It shows much better technique! And Amy - you have got Great Imagination! Keep shooting..,
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Yes, I probably took the pool shot - wow, I bet its nearly a year. And the fireplace portrait is most likely about six months old. I'd have to check my files to see for sure. So, yes, practice does make...better.

Thanks for the feedback

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Very erotic impression -+- Like this picture very much -+- Weird scenery some dark aspects of an execution - but the body posture is perhaps too relaxed for such a frightful thing.
I would perhaps prefer a vertical orientated fluorescent tube behind the slot?
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I like this. How d'you feel that moving the viewpoint a bit so that the vertical line of the doorframe wasn't central behind your head would look? Also, would modifying the light behind the door to something more diffuse, filling the gap and washing out the floor etc. the other side of the door, give a more X-filesey sort of feel? (perhaps a striplight as suggested, or perhaps just blast the scenery on the other side with a shedload of flash?)


I quite like the wooden floor - it has a nice texture which looks good with a play of light across it like that. (I don't have the interrogation type associations, more sort of mysterious ones - mebbe the spotlight being a spot contributes to the interrogation feel?)

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While I find a lot of your pictures engaging, this one stands out to me as your best by far. I really like the feeling the picture conveys and how it causes a stir in your imagination. The viewer is very interested in what is beyond that door. What is the model waiting for. The fact that it is a nude makes the model just that much more vulnerable to the forces behind the door. The only thing I would change if I had a chance to reshoot this would be adding a few less powerful lights behind the door so that the whole crack in the door is illuminated not allowing you to see anything behind the door except the oncoming light. Regardless, absolutely magnificent job! Eagerly look forward to your future work!
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The first thing that comes to my mind is that she is at attention, but comfortable, waiting for Sir. She's been here many times, yet she is still struggling to steady her heartbeat. Very powerful symbolism to me.


To my eye, the streams of light and shadow rolling along with the grain of the hardwood floor adds a very nice touch of balance to the image.


Exciting work!

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I like the concept but not the fact that you can see the round light source. The lighting on the body is cool but maybe needs ot be a bit brighter.


After seeing this I think it would look cool with a softbox or strip light. Also I would fill the other room with heavy smoke.

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This is a beautiful photograph. I would be interested to see what would happen if you diffused the light between the light source and the door, so that you get a point source (keeping your lighting of your body intact) while eliminating the hot spot caused by the light itself. I would try draping some rip-stop nylon material down the length of the door.


What do you think?

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Its a good idea, and I have done that in some of my other photos...
See these: "Nude on Wood Floor"http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=249655

And "HalfNude"http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=249657

Thanks for your input!
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I know some people have seen my ramblings about the rating system. I just don't understand how so many can rate and comment these pics so highly then one or two people can rate them at 1/1. It is either jealousy or a lack of knowledge on the rating system. Personally I am not overly worried what my pics are rated at but when you see such a low rating you have to wonder what you have done wrong and you start to doubt your own work.


Great work btw Amy I am a huge fan.

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For some reason, I was most impressed by seeing this picture among numerous outstanding photos of yours. I had a hard time in trying to understand where the light on your right comes which helps to stress the outline of the body. Is this the reflection from the body, or, there's another hidden source somewhere?

I don't think using a diffused light would make this picture look more attractive. I like the current highlight points, the contrast, the depth of differently lighted layers. Since you're working with a digital camera, I can imagine you may have done a lot of experiments with the light for this scene, right?

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"I had a hard time in trying to understand where the light on your right comes which helps to stress the outline of the body. Is this the reflection from the body, or, there's another hidden source somewhere?"


Yang Fang,


I am glad you like this picture, its one of my favorites also. No, there is only one light for this image, the one you see through the door. Its just a happy circumstance that I knelt in exactly the right place to catch that light on my right side.

And yes, I have a folder full of not-quite-right images, not to mention the deleted ones where I am half in and half out of the frame...The joys of self portraits...

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i am not a new photographer..i know talent when i see it,and you have it...lots of photographers are quick to give comments...but remember its their OPINION...not necessarily a professional one....my opinion...great talent..you will succeed...please read "PHOTOGRAPHY YOUR WAY" by Chuck Delaney....
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Amy, very nice work. I am new to photo.net, so I have been browsing to find inspiration and ideas. Your work is awesome! Thanks...and keep posting your shots!!!
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Amy, the lines of your hip and arm pulled my eyes to the fantastic flow that was created by the light and shadow at the waist and shoulder. The highlight at the breast and hip are teriffic too as they suggest curve and smoothness. The broadness of your shoulders and the taper of your waist is painfully femanine. Took a second to remember this was for critique.
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This is an amazing shot! I especially like the play of the shadow on the floor. There's something about the lines of the wood and the way the shadow falls and the clean image. It gives me a peaceful feeling.



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When I hold my hands over the top and left edges, it creates, to me, a much more powerful image. Hiding the light source adds to the mystery. Try it and see if you agree. There was another shot from this series where I enjoyed the light source. Would like to have seen more differentiation among the whole series as opposed to having the model do all the work. (i.e. more angles, close-ups, more varying points of view.
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mmmmmmm. I would have loved to see this with anything other than this model in this pose. For me, her presence and pose produce a picture with fewer questions, ... is a little too 'playboy' like... otherwise evocative and well executed.
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