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Baker Beach


Elan 7e, EF 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5 lens at ~35mm, circular polarizer, Cokin P173, tripod, f/16.

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One of the best of seen of this overphotographed subject. The light, composition and colors are outstanding. So help me, the next time I'm in SF I'm going to try to find this spot.
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Nice picture,great light and time.I visit SF last summer but I do not have nothing like this one.Bridge is ,,invisible,, ;-) What time a year you take this one?And day time?Is it morning?Congratulation,you did great job.


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Beautiful light. This shot is more pleasing than the vertical format one in your folder(Golden Gate Bridge #2).
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Some may complain that this bridge is a tired subject, but this is one of the nicest shots I've seen of it. The golden swath of foam to the left balances this into a much more pleasing composition (to my eye) than the other bridge shots in your folder. And, of course, the light was great.
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I completly agree with the other comments. Although this looks WAY too good to be true. I don't think there is anything wrong with Photoshop, but I do think there is too much with this shot. mb
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Thanks for all the comments. I really like this shot, probably because I had to work so hard to get it. To get to this spot, I fell many times getting down some pretty steep cliffs and got my shoes soaked trying to get close to the water. And the climb back up in almost total darkness wasn't fun either. But I got the shot!


To clarify a few things... this shot was NOT Photoshoped! The only PS I did is cloned out a piece of dust that was on the scanner. No saturation or colour balance adjustments were made. The incredible colours are the result of combining the Cokin blue/yellow polarizer (P173) with a normal circular polarizer. The Cokin b/y polarizer is pretty cool. It made the sky really blue and the reflection off the waves yellow, and it increased the colour saturation of the bridge. It is much cheaper than the Singh-Ray Gold-N-Blue polarizing filter and it's just so much fun to use. I highly recommend it!


If anyone wants specifics on how to get to this spot, just let me know.


Kenneth Kwan

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This photo certainly expresses a golden mood. Very appropriate for the subject matter.

This and the other photos of yours using the Cokin P173 and the Circular Polarizer make the photos almost surreal in their warmth.


Keep up the great work.

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If you have not had a pow then you are due one,this shot is fantastic and is well worth the effort you put in to geting it. If you go the extra mile you will get the reward`s well done.
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This pictures and the others in ur albums are very awesome. The quality of this pic is unreal, the color, richly saturated, the scene, vividly captured. SanFrancisco is would be proud to have this picture taken. Tom Waterloo
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Since I have never seen a shot from this side of the bridge I gave an 8 for originality & another 8 for asthetics because it's a sharp, beautifully composed & well exposed shot. It's probably just me but I find the use of filters & other color modifiers is becoming overdone. But in this case ??? Any examples without modifiers? Best, LM
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This shot is very nicely composed. Being familiar with the various lighting conditions at Baker Beach, I find the colors here to be very unnatural. When the water becomes that gold, shadows are much longer and the sky looks very different to my eye. Of course, color is subjective, and the artist has the final word.
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I too find the colours unnatural. But that's what makes it so good!! If the colors were true to life the photo would not be half as much like a work of art.


Congratulations on a well executed image.

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The mood and atmosphere you've captured with this shot is insane. I feel like someone has packed up the bridge and transported it to a lost world. The positioning and light on the rocks gives such a timeless feeling that one would swear the bridge had been resting like that for a thousand years. You should be in Hollywood!


Alex Munro

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What a great photo! San Franciscans are quite used to it, and yes, it's been shot about a billion times, but this is by far one of the best shots of the Golden Gate I have seen ever. Great! Check out the rest of Kwan's photos, they're all pretty amazing.
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Kennith , again another outstanding photo, as all of yours are. This looks like a painting. They say the greatest compliment you can give a photographer is to say his/her photo looks like a painting and to a painter that his looks like a photo. Well you desrve the highest compliment for this photo. This has got to be the best image of a very popular subject I have yet to see.
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Wow. I was just in SF poking around Battery East a week ago, I must've been in this exact spot. I'm glad to know I'm not the only person gotten his feet soaked standing here for this view (chuckle... or who's nearly broken his neck trying to climb back up those cliffs in rapidly fading twilight!) I think this has got to be the most beautiful spot to see the bridge from, and judging from the fact that I didn't see another soul the entire time I was down there, not many see it firsthand, which makes shots like this special. Even on a cloudy, misty day like the one I experienced, the view from here is pretty inspiring. What a difference light makes, though! This picture absolutely pops. Perfect timing on those waves, they really make the composition. This is probably the most beautiful shot of the bridge I've ever seen.


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i live in the bay area and have seen and shot lots of baker beach pics. this is by far the best i've ever seen. you've really nailed the usage of the yellow/blue polarizer and this shot really benefits from it. congratulations!
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