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Hatchlings (modified)

1/320 @ F5.6, ISO 300, 400mm (100-400 L IS), Canon 40D

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I felt the exposure wasn't right on my previous post. This is my new

attempt. Thanks for looking and as always, C&C welcome.

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You did a good job with the image. The Sun to the right and the birds in the some shade do present problems for most camera metering systems.

At F/5.6, ISO 300 , I would have expected an exposure of 1/2000 second, not 1/320 second. The light intensity seen on the wood suggests a bright Sun was present.

Next time, try reducing your ISO to 100 or 200, because the shutter speed will still be sufficient to get a good exposure from a 400mm lens.

On cloudy days, this changes and you do not want slow shutter speeds unless you are supporting the camera/lens from any induced vibrations.

Regards,  Mike

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Thanks for the feedback.  That raises some questions though. 


This is a new lens (used, but new for me).  I shot with only a 50mm 2.5 macro for years and I know that lens pretty well.   For this image, at 1/320, the original was under exposed by nearly a full stop.  Shot in AV mode, on a tripod, and I decided to push the ISO to 320 anyway, just  so I could have close to 1/2 my focal length.  

Am I having a mechanical problem?  I had one image this Sunday where 1/2 of the image was completely black, indicating that the curtain was out of sync.  But it just happened the one time, so I was treating it as a one off.  


Note to self...need light meter. 

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"The light intensity seen on the wood suggests a bright Sun was present."


Yes, a bright sun was present--lighting the back of the subject. Most of the scene is in the shade. The exposure settings are quite reasonable for the conditions.

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Hi Kristin,

Was going through some of my Pmail and ran across yours from awhile back and thought I would come over and check to see how you are doing with that 100-400!

Looks like you are doing pretty well!

I will admit, the 100-400 does have a bit of a learning curve, but it does look like you are coming along fine with it, and receiving some helpful advise along the way.

This shot has some very good details, and I do like the composition with the flowers around the nest and the branches sort of framing her and her chicks.

Regards always,

Jim j.


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