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Paradise Forest


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We started by canoe, crossing the Queets river near the boundary of

Olympic National park. The river was high from spring snow-melt and

the use of a boat allowed us access to a faint, all-but-abandoned

summer trail up the river which helps cut through the thick rainforest

foliage for almost ten miles. After the trail's disappearance at a

series of landslides, our journey was just getting started. We

continued upriver, reduced to hands-and-knees innumerable times,

taking it slow and marveling at the groves of Spruce, Fir, Alder,

Maples and all that surrounded it.


Over the course of sixty miles spent vastly off trail we encountered

hundreds of elk, many bears, eagles and dozens of other citizens of

the forest world. The forests themselves are beyond spectacular. No

photo nor words could ever be suitable to describe them. The mere

thought of returning there for a long time occupies my every thought



Almost all of our trek was spent simply figuring out which creeks to

follow up, where to ford the rivers, how to traverse the terrain,

setting-up camps and admiring grove after grove of the best temperate

rainforest on the continent. At times, we were three long days from

the nearest road or; presumably, person. This image was taken there,

in a place we named Paradise Forest.


The photograph is my simple and humbling attempt at doing anything

that would hope to stir the emotions we felt in this magnificent

place, so far from anything.


I used an 8-second exposure with polarizer and mild ND filter at 40mm

to capture this reflecting pool of greenery in soft light. To achieve

the dreamy effect I blew a layer of fog over the lens near the end of

the exposure, keeping all details in tact. In processing, I started

with a very dark file and layered light back in with types of dodges,

an attempt at simplification, depth and mood.

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What a spectacular photo Marc! Although I am sure it doesn't fully capture the essence of such a remarkable place, it certainly comes close. The lighting is surreal and the composition of gnarly, cluttered growth and calm, stagnant water almost brings the sense of peace and musky smells through the screen of my computer. One thing that caught my eye was the burning around the foliage in the lower left corner. Seems too dark around the edges. Ace of a capture!

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Outstanding shot, Marc. A very peaceful atmosphere you have captured.

I agree with Caillum though that it seems a little too dark around the edges. The central, brighter area seems to have a yellow cast on my monitor. Also the greens are a little too saturated for my taste, they look almost fluorescent. If that is what you wanted to achieve, then you got it!

This is a very busy, complex, shot. I would like to learn how did you manage to burn it on layers maintaining the third dimension on such a complex structure. Must have been hours of meticulous work. If you do not want to disclose the technique, then say so, I will understand.

Congrats for a beautiful shot.


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Hello Marc!

I wanted to make you aquainted with a page I've created on Facebook for professional photographers to share their work and ideas, much like we do here on photo.net

As a matter of fact, this contact is because THIS image was chosen as "photo of the day" on the page this week by our administrator in charge of that feature.

Please accept our humble thanks for letting us grace our page with your wonderful image, and please also accept our invitation to join us!

Here is the link to the page, just in case you're already involved in facebook. If not, perhaps now is a great time to do that!!


thanks for your time.. and thanks for ALL your breathtaking work!!

Jack Blake

Page Owner: The Professional Photographer's Page on Facebook and

Eye2Eye: Imagination to Imagery

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Absolutely spectacular image - I especially like your detail of blowing fog over the lens to create a fairytale look to the scene - inspired. Congratulations on a great shot - well worth the effort it took to get it!

Best regards, 



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An absolutely stunning image!  Who would ever think that there could be so many different shades of green?  Kind regards, Engela

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This is a photo that grows on you, at first my tougths was "average pic" but after I study it I like it more and more.

I love the lush and "swampy" feel the photo expresses..

Amazing work..




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Marc, you're supposed to wade across the river to get to the other side, exposing many thousands of dollars of camera equipment to a dunking as you walk in waist-high water on large, slippery stones and boulders to get to the other other side.  Joking aside, that's what has prevented me from enjoying this isolated and seldom-visited portion of the Olympic Peninsula.  This is what I call a "beautiful mess," and it's the essence of a rainforest.  The reflections are a nice touch -- it's not often one finds a large pond to make this possible.  Your signature control of light is very evident throughout.

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What a great place to see, this I will only see in my dreams.

Wonderful scene with great mood!

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Stephen, the river is a very easy ford in late summer when it's flowing at 500-900cfs, but not at 5000cfs in mid-spring on a heavy snow year.  It's just impossible then, but you get the amazing greens of spring.

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Serenity in green would be my title for this image.  It is amazing the different hues of green found in this photo.  Simply wonderful image. Regards - michel

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What an impressive place. My regards to your work not just taking such fantastic image but to your great post work.

This is landscaping at it's best. I'm not much of a 7 giver but you sure deserve one.

Best regards


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Great Shot Mark. I love the diversity of subjects in your portfolio. This one really is stunning. The shades of green are wonderful and it looks like you got the exposure in the reflection dead on. Congrats!

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